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Casi hummed slightly, pressing her cheek to his cheek, giving him a kiss too. The girl relaxed her hand, and it draped over his neck lightly, her fingers brushing the back on his throat lightly. She relaxed then, snuggling her head into his neck, back under his chin. Her body seemed very warm, even with the hoodie on and was very relaxed.
Casi smiled softly and resorted to gently stroke his neck then draw shapes. The girl was as close as she can get mostly, soaking up his warmth. Her shades where knocked off and on the other side of the bed currently. She wiggled her head under Cunneris’, letting his chin rest on her cheek, enjoying the soft vibrations of her purs.
Casi closed her eyes and drew small shapes on his shoulder absently. The girl snuggled more into his warmth, pecking his cheek lightly. Then she tucked her head under his chin, draping an arm over his shoulder, the other slipping under his neck. Casi moved her arm draping over his shoulder onto his neck, and connected her hands, pulling herself closer to Cunneris. Then resumed drawing shapes on the back of his neck.
Casi shifted slightly, gently pulling Cunneris down to lay down on her bed. The girl snuggled into his neck, and wrapped her arms around him once more. Then she relaxed, content to have time alone with her matesprite.
Casi relaxed into him, going limp, sagging into his shoulder. The girl breathed evenly,”As I am all yours also.” She smiled softly and snuggled closer, giving his neck a light kiss. Then snuggling her head back in it, wrapping her arms around him tighter.
Casi nodded,”Maybe, though I would ask her what planet to destroy. Because you don’t know which ones to do destroy or not. Well you might, but I don’t know if you know.” She felt at peace as well and curled her self closer to him. “And don’t thank me, I did what any logical person would do.” She mumbled into his shoulder.
Casi buried her head in his shoulder, and grinned against him.”Good, because I don’t need to do so either.” The girl swung her legs up in his lap so their position wouldn’t hurt her back to much. As she was turned side ways while she sat forward. The girl snuggled closer to him, closing her eyes.
Casi hugged him back,”That was sweet of you to say.” She cooed and nuzzled into him, with a smile. “I think I’m going to stay little though. Short, little Casi forever.” Her voice had a hint of mirth, it was welcomed in with her warm tone.
Casi hummed in agreement and leaned on Cunneris. “Your getting bigger, as well as stronger.” Her voice was warm,,”What happened to my little Cunneris?” She laughed slightly.
Casi backed off,”I think they’re all right.” The girl snagged Cunneris’ hand,”I’m thinking that Dirk was just startled..” She retreated back to her room, before that she let go of Cunneris’ hand in case she.wanted to stay. The girl sat down on her bed and fixes her shades, still hoodie less.
Casi flinched,”That..Could of not been good.” The girl left the room and went the way the whimper was. She found them soon enough, in the hall near the living room. Casi poked her head over the corner and took in what she saw.
Casi patted his arm,”Good idea. Though should we warn everyone of them? Or let then just deal with it them selfsame?” She looked up at her matesprite, and gave him a small smile.
Casi blinked back, she gave him a small smile. “If you guys want, you can go see the others..?” Her question was hesitant, she was worried on how Dirk will react when he finds out what Jake looks like now.
Casi calmed down and swiped the liquid from her face,”I’m not sure what to do now. Any ideas, or something?” Her voice was soft. “I’m sorry if I got a bit to emotional, that is purely my fault.”
Casi shook her head,”I don’t really now. I just got really pissed so I tried to punch. Scratch, but I end up punching Jake.” The girl stopped shaking,”And Snowman is on the bed. But I don’t know who the one by the door is.” Her voice was quiet and sad.