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Casi took a shuttering breath,”Scratch, leave. Please.” Her voice sounded trodden on and defeated, as she sat down on the floor where she was. The girl hid her face again, ashamed on what she done, and still slightly over whelmed on the knew information she gained. The girl shook slightly,a few tears slipping down her face. Her father, Snowman, that other one, forced to be what ever they are. It seemed neither Snowman nor Jake wanted be stuck like how they are to her. Her mind was mixing up a way that settled on they where like this because of her. Casi was thinking her interference with the trolls, and them and humans coming to live in her house. Got all three, or four to the same path and made them like how they where.
Casi let out a chocked sound,”Oh gosh, I’m so sorry!” Her words where rushed and jumbled, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She kept repeating and seemed to break down at the moment, hiding her face in her hands. The girl wanted to go over to MecBridge, or Jake, but she was to afraid her anger would get a hold of her again and she try to attack Scratch.So she stayed still, hiding her face, mumbling jumbled apologizes. It seems that she was a bit over whelmed by the discovery of the four, and punching her father/MecBridge.
Casi flinched, her eyes hardening behind her shades, as quick as a flash she punched Scratch straight in the face. The force made him slam into the wall, knocking over a shelf of CDs, making a rather loud, shatter-like noise. She made no move to talk, pissed beyond believe at Scratch, for punching what seemed like a nice person, or what ever she/he was, being and ass, and licking her alchimized father’s cheeks. Which was gross, but he did that while he was crying, so it was offensive to the girl.
CAsi was freaking out in the inside, it shown a little as he breath was a little fast. Not enough to be noticed derectly, mind you. The girl shook his hand firmly and drooped her own hand to her side stiffly.”Casi English, it may, or may not be a pleasure to meet you.” Her voice was light tipped and stiff.
Casi jumped as they came in, tensing as she didn’t know if they’re friend of foe. The girl though, did finish Snowman’s sentance, Carolus. The girl placed a hand on Snowman’s knee, trying to calm her down. She, herself, had no idea what the fuck was going on, and frankly frightened at the sudden entrance. So she held her self tensely, not know what to do, nor what was happening.
CAsi blinked and stood up fully,”Oh my gosh. Snowman…” The girl crept up to her,”Oh golly..Is there a way to take off that muzzle by any chance?” The girl said softly, but didn’t touch the alchemized female. Her voice was soft as she took her in,”..Who did this to you..?”
Casi flinched as Snowman put her cigarrette on her self and let out a small,”Oh.” The girl put her gun away,”I’m Casi English..Uh..Pleasure to meet you?” The girl said hesitantly and seemed to try to make her self smaller, creeping to the door in case she was a threat. That she could just run out. She hoped Cunneris would get out the shower too, because fuck. This Snowman was creepy as shit, though she shouldn’t judge her on how she looks, more like how she acts.
Casi blinked, and lowered her gun slightly, and warily approached the what she guessed what was a female. She took a notebook off the table beside the bed and a pen, handing it to her. The girl clicked the safety on her gun but didn’t put it away. “I don’t think I want to touch that..So..Uh..Write it out?” The girl backed off again, watching the bird lady warily*
Casi whipped out her gun,”Who the hell are you?” She clicked of her safety, spooked. A bird lady was on her bed. What.The.Fuck?! The girl narrowed her eyes, the bird lady was creeping her out slightly.
Casi laughed slightly and fixed the nod a bit more,”You just need to get use to your strength. That’s all.” She patted his arm, and undid the plug in the bath tub, the did the nob for just warm water. Then she lead him out, to a new bath room. She turned the water to warm, then turned to him. “That should do it. Just be gently to turn it off, okay?” The girl patted his arm and left the rest room,”I’ll be in my room if you need me.” She called over her shoulder and left to her room.
Casi nodded and turned her head away from him, showing him that she wouldn’t look and gently pulled out the splinters. The girl stood and when into the rest room, and tossed him his clothes. “Okay, how about I just turn the water on for you, then you take a shower?”
Casi looked up and patted Dirk’s knee,”If you feel bad, then apologize. But what I think, Dave is just being Dave. Plain and simple.” She heard the roar,”..And I should probably go help him..” The girl stood up and patted Dirk’s head lightly,”As you would say, be a Strider, don’t let your Bro leave you just like that.” The girl walked away and to the rest room that Cunneris was using only to see his form. “Oh gosh, the girl popped a large blanket and gently covered him. Even if he had no male anatomy, she wanted to preserve his modi sty. She knelled down and tisked when she saw his leg,”I’m going to pull these out, okay? You god teir should fix it when I finish.” Casi awaited his response.
Casi nodded,”Forgiven, if it helps.” The girl left him alone and when back to Dirk. She sat down by him silently,”Are you going to be okay?” Her voice was quiet. She was also worrying about Cunneris too, she hasn’t seen him since he left. And she heard no shower on either. The girl placed a gentle hand on her father’s knee,”Dave might of been a shit. But that gives you no reason to kick him out? Okay?” Hrr voice was slightly stern,”I’m sorry if I’m just troubling you more.” The girl took back her hand and set it in her lap.
Casi shook her head and let go of Dirk, and followed Dave. The girl quickly caught up to him,”Hey, um, Dave. You don’t have to leave, I think forgot that he may not live here. But I do. What you said was over the line, but you don’t have to leave..” Her voice was quiet as she spoke. The girl waited for his answer and nervously shifted her weight.
Casi just hugged onto her father,”Way over the line.” She rubbed his back, and burrows her head in his shoulder. The girl was hurt by Dave’s words also.