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Haru kicked his legs and nodded, looking thoughtful. “Shall we make a lesson plan for tommarow then?”The large man hummed, getting distracted by the window
Sense her brother was not talking she wandered off. The girl messed around with her powers and suddenly felt empty. To Takra it would be like her energies just dissapeared, which they kinda did. The girl blinked and shrugged, retreating to the training room.
The room was just big enough to do small, half hops hald gliding jumps.
Whih is what Miwa did just then. -
Miwa tugged on Takra’s sleeve when he and Jerrel weren’t talking,”Should we go inside…? Inscae something else bad happens?” She said that rather nervously, black holes and Miwa don’t fix.
Haru giggled and accepted his treatment,”all right~! What do you suppose we do now though?”
Miwa quietly listened to her brother, looking a bit spooked by the ordeal and took a few steps back and shook her wings out to dispel the water. At least that worked to an extent as her feathers became fluffy so it looked similar to a fluffy,black cloud on Miwa’s back. The girl returned to her brother and Jerrell to listen to their conversation with a mild expression.
She has no idea what the heck was going on so she fled to ger brother. The girl attempted the spell the water off and succeeded with being a little less soaking and a more damp. -
Miwa who was playing in the rain in the courtyard squeaked and scrambled out the way of the fight, struggling to gain traction on the water. Though she made it to her brother and shunk a little behind him, soaked the the bone.
Miwa grinned and bounded off to go put her books away in her chest before darting to the court yard,giggling slightly as she was soaked in a few moments being in the rain. Per her nature, she didn’t feel the cold-well she did but it doesn’t bother her very much. She would be seen curiously staring up, watching the rain fall before attempting to fly and fail rather hilariously, her feathers to soaked to fly.
She grinned and bounced out her seat, gathering her books and bounded to her brother. “Are we going to go sleep? Or go somewhere else? Oh-Can we go watch the rain? I’ve never seen it storm like this!” She seemed rather excited and energetic-though that was from sitting down for so long.
He grinned,”If you need any help tomorrow, just ask Aena~!”
Miwa curiously poked at the plants, amazed that such small things could heal wounds. She reached out with a bit of magic to inspect the plants further, which swirled a dim green around the leaves. It wasn’t very impressive, though she wasn’t trying to be impressive, the small girl was trying to learn. The magic vanished after a while, not understanding the information it relayed back at her. Something about carbon and weird elements she never heard of.
She sat back in her seat and glanced out the window, while she liked class and all, Miwa would like a change to stretch her legs, maybe her wings. Though it was looking like the weather won’t be up to talk. So she spoke up,”Um,Mrs.Anea? When does this class end…If I may ask?” The girl was doing her best to be polite.
“I think she’ll do just brilliant!” The man giggles and sat on a free desk, kicking his feet.Miwa:
She got her notebook to take notes, listening at rapt attention to Aena. -
She stopped readkng to pay attention, she was intrested in healing. Hopfully she’ll learn somthing, and she just did about poison ivy. The girl listened at rapted attention to the teacher. -
Miwa grinned and settled down on a near by desk to read her own book. Which was a fantasy book about dragons and wizards.
Haru shook his head,”I didn’t really need you, I just wanted to hang out! As we have no classes right now~!” He trailed off in a giggle.Miwa:
She entered the class room and looled around before darting over to her brother with books in toe. Miwa proudly showed a book to her brother,”I found a book about fighting styles, I thought you’ll like it.” -
Haru looked curious and a bit concerned,”Do you need ice or anything?” The man waved away the steam and peered at Q. -
He cheerfully thanked Aena and bounced off the thr class room and burst in,”Mr.Q~! I found yooou!” He giggled and walked over.Miwa:
“Oh..Okay then thank you Mrs.Aena!” She happily ran off to go find her brother, though first she went to their room to grab a book. Then she wandered off to find Takra, tring to find his energy signature, though wasn’t having much luck.