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Casi shook her head,”No thank you, I must decline.” She didn’t want to smoke, by gosh she didn’t want to get high. She saw what sopor did to trolls, she was thinking getting high was worse. The girl shifted slightly to Cunneris’ side, the female cherub slightly frightened her. Not in a bad way, but who in the world asks if someone wants t smoke?
Casi blinked,”Casi English. Pleasure to meet you. And rather brilliant if I must say.” She dipped her head at the female cherub. Though she kept her grasp in Cunneris’ hand, she was sure ‘wrapped a doogie’ meant weed. Or something about dogs. The girl thought it was the first option though.
Casi returned his smile and gently grabbed his hand, it was quiet a bit bigger then her’s. “I would love to come.” She said and latched herself to his side, the girl couldn’t really dream bubble to well on her own. So she’ll let Curnneris do it. “Hopefully you sister likes me well enough.” She said jokingly and loomed up at her tall, red lover. Poor Casi was bout 5’0 while Ciunneris was about 6’0.
Casi blinked and tapped Cunneris’ arm slightly,”You need to get use to your growing body. So be gentle.” Her tone was soft,”Do you best with the dream bubble thing, if you can get stuff out, you can put them back in. Maybe..Think about how you get stuff out and do the reverse?”
Casi blinked,”Pull things out? Like pulling a sword out of you when your stabbed? Or something different that I probably don’t know about.” The girl was getting slightly annoyed on being out the loop of everything. The girl was slightly startled by his deep voice, but as she said before it just added to the package.
Casi patted his knee”Isn’t it a bad hing you two share bodies? Like you said you wake up when she goes to sleep and she wakes up when you go to sleep. So what if we’re just chilling in my bed and you fall asleep then, bam! Your sister is now in the bed with me.” The girl blinked,”And that sounded funnier in my mind. But now it sounds kinda wrong.” Her voice had a hit of mirth.
Casi tilted her head,”How does one find a planet to destroy?” The girl was confused,”Like how do you get there? Dream bubbles?” The girl rubbed soothing circles on Cunneris’ hand. She was rather worried too and nervous. Silver, who has happily settled by Casi, gave a happy growl. The dragon was chewing at the scrap metal once more. His powerful jaws easily twisted and dented the metal even more.
Casi pulled back,”So once a day isn’t enough? At morning and at dusk might help it.” She kept a hold on his hand.
Casi hugged Cunneris,”Oh gosh, you scared me.” She breathed out and burrowed her her his shoulder. “Don’t do that again. Please.” She mumbled in his shoulder.
Casi gave Dave a grin and squeezed Cunneris’ hand. She rubbed circles on it softly and said quietly,”As do I.” Through her shades, her fire-like eyes scanned her matesprite again. Silver came prancing out the house, carrying a large scrap of metal, that was to big for him. Silver trotted to Casi, dropping it. The scrap was twisted out of shade with bite marks littering it. Casi blantched,”Silver, what the hell?” The girl said, what made him chew up metal?
Casi gave Equius a smile, her Father in law was a troll. Hey, rather cool in her opinion, the girl settled down by Cunneris’s side. She didn’t know why Dirk and Dave felt proud, but, the girl shrugged, they can look hoe they want to look.
Casi nodded to Dirk’s words and settled down by him, grabbing Cunneris’ hand. The girl was ready to help in anyway possible, to secure her matesprite’s saftey. “He didn’t doubt me, so I would doubt him. He can pull through this.” Her voice was soft but firm.
Casi crept up warily, she stood beside Dirk and crouched. The girl casted her worried stare over Cunneris. She wasn’t sure exactly why they knocked him out, but it was suppose to help him. So she decided to leave him alone and just hoped he’ll be okay.
Casi let Dirk and Dave handle it, because the girl had no idea what to do. She clasped her hands and played with her fingers worriedly. The girl was still terrified for Cunneris and stood ridged.
Casi backed off, knowing shedid all she could. The girl was shaking slightly, terrified for Cunneris. Silver padded to her and curled his tail around her hip, resting her head on her shoulder, whining lowly. The girl reaches and hugged the dragon,”Please be.okay, please be.okay, please be okay..” She muttered to her self as she watched her red love struggle.