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Casi gathered Cunneris in her arms, hugging him. “Fight him, don’t give in to him. Be you, please, just fight him.” The girl said softly and cluttered him tighter, swaying side to side to calm him. She burrowed her head in his shoulder,”Tell him to fuck off, he isn’t you and will never be you.”
Casi gave him a smile,”I watched him okay strip picked once, his sleeves came off and everything. It was pretty funny, to see him get all the loot.” She reached over and rubbed circles on his cheek,”And Armane got so high on dolor that he passed out, his hand tangled in Feneri’s hair.”
Casi nodded,”What about Wencho and Kroman?” The girl kept rubbing circles on his hands,”And the felt? I rather like Stitch.” Her voice was calm and even.
Casi nodded firmly,”We can talk. It’s perfectly alright.” She rubbed soothing circles on his hands,”We can talk about hoe your family is like.” The girl said softly,”About Armane and Wencho and Fermi.”
Casi scooted to his front and gently lifted hos head, meeting his eyes,”Hey, focus on me. Push the voices out, they are not wanted. So show them they’re not.” Her voice was calm, and she gently pried his hands away, holding them.
Casi sat down by Cunneris and wrapped an arm around his waist. She rubbed his side,”If it is exhaustion, your welcome to sleep in my room.”
Casi casted him a worried look and stood up, going into the house.She found her quickly enough and tapped her shoulder. “Cunneris said he needs help, he hears voices that he said aren’t the dead or dieing.” The girl lead her to her matesprite, with a worried look.
Casi blushed slightly,”Thanks, and I will.” She gave Cunneris a small smile, and sat down next to him. “Silver, stop chewing on the robot.” The said dragon whined and dropped the metal and trotted to his human.
Casi took his wing gently, then snapped it in place with out warning. She worridly watched him, the girl placed a hand on his knee and lightly squeezed it.
“Cunneris!” Casi cried out then the bot attacked her, the girl was livid at the bot. How dare it hurt him! She nimbly ducked and weaved through it’s punches. The girl almost got clipped and slammed her foot forward, catching the bot and achieved killing it as the metal dented and smashed it’s core. Casi huffed angerly at the bot and turned to Cunneris, jogging over and kneeled by him. The girl inspected his wing,”I think it’s broken.”
Casi tilted her head and crept up to the bot warily, is it not on or what..?” She trailed off questionably and poked at him. Silver was still, happily chewing on his bot.
Casi nodded and blushed slightly,”Sounds fine to me.” She grinned and pecked his lips this time, and stood up, bringing him with her. “Let’s do this!”
Casi grinned and hugged him back, she lose her balance and fell over wit Cunneris ontop of her. The girl laughed and kissed his cheek happily. “
Silver basically melted hos bot’s legs away and was chewing on the metal. The girl leapt on the Armane bit as it stood up and literature ripped hos head off. She dropped from the bot and landed neatly. She padded over to Cunneris,”That was fun!” She said cheerfully.
Silver gleefully attacked the Temahn bot while Casi slid into a defensive position. Since her sword was currently broken, she decided to do hand to hand. She ducked under the sickle and jabbed at the bot’s stomach. Casi was also severely outmuscled because danger the bot was big and Casi is small. The girl swept the bot’s legs from under him and spun back, the sickle almost slicing her. She nimbly kicked up, Armane bot flying away from her.