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Casi nodded,”Seems cool,” she nodded,”I need to work out on how to fight with Silver anyways.” The said dragon chirped and spread his wings, flapping them a bit. The girl grinned at the dragon and rubbed his head.
Silver somehow got Casi’s back of the shirt and was carrinng the girl out side. “Ya, um, I don’t think I have a choice.” The girl said with mirth and Silver dumped her outside. She stood up and dusted herself off,”Thank you for that Silver.” The dragon just rumbled happily.
Casi laughed and walked over to the two, the girl grinned. “It seems that everything is back to order.” The girl said and ran a hand through her hair. Silver came bounding in,and leaped onto Casi. The girl fell over,”Silver!” The dragon chirped and mimicked Eridan, hugging her.
Casi grinned,”I think it’s cute.” She stopped coughing a while ago, the illness was gone from her system. The girl stood up and walked over to Jane,”Can you check ne over? I think it’s gone now.”
Casi reached a hand out to touch Cunner, then retreated it. “You might want to wash the blood off.” She said quietly and ran a hand through her hair. The girl gave Cunneris a grin and fixed her shades.
Casi nodded,”I’ll be okay.” She gave him a small smile. The girl coughed in her hand lightly,”It’s winding down, I haven’t coughed up blood in a while.” The girl said with a happy tone.
Casi jumped up and wanted to run after Jane, but it wouldn’t be to smart of her. She sat BA k down and hid her face in her knees. The girl was feeling rather fuzy, but that was mostly because she was worried for her matesprite.
Casi watched slightly confused then shrugged to her self. She was glad Tavros is alive, and thar Karkat will be God teir. The girl coughed again spitting out a glob of blood beside her and pulled her knees up.
Casi blinked, then shrugged, the girl crept up to Equius and gently moved his head to a position so he can breath easier. Then backed off again, back to her claimed corner. Seeing Cunneris’ reaction, I guess she helped in some way. She tucked her self neatly, scanning the room, her shades hiding her eyes.
Casi stood up and when to Jane,”Since I can’t leave, I have an idea for the cure. If you can, ask Cunneris to mix human blood with troll blood and see what it does.” The girl was thinking that the human blood would kill the poison then the troll blood killing the human blood. She retreated back to her corner again.
Casi was thinking about the cure also, what made human blood kill the poison. Well humans when through their air faster and cleared it out more faster then trolls. So did trolls breath slower? Or did they have a different gas exchange then humans? The girl though hard about it, if you add human blood to troll blood, would the human blood kill the poison? Or make it worse? Casi didn’t know, and she sighed.
Casi watched Equius silently, she pulled her knees up and rested her chin on them. Her face was blank and didn’t have a clear emotion. She coughed again, into her knees and swiped some raven bangs from her shades.
Casi shrugged, Nepeta fooled good and Vriska looked scared. She scooter over to the troll and patted her arm,”It’s just a little blood.” She said kindly and swiped her lips, wiping blood away. The girl scooter back to Ger corner.
Casi nodded and stretched out her arm, showing him her wrist. “From the wrist might be easier to draw blood from.” She turned her head and coughed lightly, spitting out a few drops of blood. The illness was still there but not as strong as before.
Casi nodded and tucked herself in a corner of Jane’s room. The girl didn’t cough up any more blood at the moment and watched the others in the room. She hoped Cunneris could fix this as some trolls in here where rather nice.