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Casi nodded,”Mine will pass quickly, and asleep, he said he might have a.way to fix the illness.” She coughed again,”We should leave so he can work it out, he says he need equipment. And I don’t know how big it is.” She ushered Jane out the room. “I’m going to go to the room with everyone, or should I lock myself in a restroom untilled the sickness clears out?”
Casi.was fearful as she also touched the sick troll,”How would you get that equipment though? Travel through dream bubbles?” The girl let go of Cunneris and stood up offering her hand,”Because if you can fix it, I would hurry as it’s suppose to travel through trolls quicker then huma-” She cut of as she doubled over hacking. Blood dribbling through her lip. “Well, supposed to.” She breathed out and wiped the blood away.
Casi gave the broken horned troll a confused look,”Is there something wrong with him?” The girl hugged Cunneris tighter, with a slightly fearful look. Did the life giving thing have a complication? Or go wrong somehow?
Casi ran a hand down his wings,”At least you know what he can be. Younger Termes might just be an ass because he doesn’t know how not to be. That or he is a ass,” she.cracked a small smile and leaned back from the hug. The girl fell silent and wiped her cheeks.
Casi gripped him tighter,”I would, because your his son. And he’s your father, who loves you quiet a lot.” She stroked his head,”Just as I love you.” Her voice was soft and watery. Termes’ death hit her hard, but not as hard as it hit Cunneris.
Casi just held Cunneris, gathering him in her lap and rocked slightly. The girl was crying too, as she tried to comfort her red lover. She placed a hand on the back of his head, and another on his back.
Casi still held Termes’ hand and placed her other on Cunneris’ shoulder. The girl leaned down and hugged the cherub the best she could.
Casi bowed her head, her breath ragged and didn’t respond. She reached over and clutched her dieing friend’s hand. “To keep Cunneris alive, Termes decided to give his life for him.”
Casi jumped, flaring over Cunneris as if to protect him, then relaxed. She took a shaky breath,”If Termes wishes to..Then do it.”
Casi took his hand, terrified for her matesprite and friend. “What do you mean by that?” Her voice was light with worry and a hint of fear.
Casi cracked a small smile and reached over, patting Termes’ cheek,”I guess this time your exuded from being an ass this time.” Her smile was watery and she retreated her hand.
Casi just kept stroking his head softly. “And you pull trhough too Termes, your you’ll be a true ass.” She muttered loud enough for the troll to hear her.
Casi’s hand was shaking,”And I love you.” Her voice was soft,”Please don’t say that like your going to die. Because you won’t, okay?”
Casi leaned down and kissed his cheek, griping his hand. The girl shifted and sat by his head, releasing his hand and stroked his head softly.
Casi nodded,”Then you might need to help Jane. Termes is injured too.” The girl ran out and when to Termes’ room. She raised him down by Termes and pressed on hos wound, trying to quell the bleeding. She was silently crying as she worked, but didn’t let her freight get in the way*