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Casi stood up,”If we may, but who’s cooking though?” She grinned and Silver pranced back up, bouncing under Casi’s arms. The girl snagged Cunneris’ hand and adjusted her shades.
Casi kicked Silver into the dense and snapped his head down with a foot, leaning in starring into his eyes. Silver whined and his red eyes turned blue as he was defeated. The girl was panting and she tossed Cal back to Dirk.
Casi looked up and grabbed the doll, she disappeared and the doll feverishly attacked the dragon. The girl seemed to be gone but flickers of her as she.moved the doll.
Casi, who currently had no weapon was thrown away again. She rolled and landed in a crouch, she didn’t want to use hee gin as the bullets would just fly everywhere and hit someone. The girl used force to throw the dragon around, not noticing the doll.
Casi was thrown off Silver as he flared his wings. She slammed into the house but used the momentum to throw her self off, she.brought her sword down but it shattered at the force. The girl huffed and landed on Silver’s back Ans started to wrestle
Casi somehow flashed behind Silver, confusing Silver, Casi looked down,”The hell?” She shrugged and pounced on the dragon, landing on hos back. The dragon lashed out behind him but Casi jumped up onto his head, snapping it shut and leapt off. The girl used her momentum and fliped backwards pinning his tail down. The girl lashed out her sword pinning his head down.
Casi grinned and followed Cunneris outside, the girl jogged to Silver. Who was in the other corner of the yard. “Silver, both offensive and defensive mode activate.” She slipped her sword out her modus as Silver’s eyes turned red. The dragon pounced on the girl and Casi rolled out the way. She brought her sword up, blocking his jaws and leaped out the way of his fire.
The girl slipped off her bloody hoodie and put her shades back on. In her panic she didn’t notice they where off, they passed the livingroom where Silver was bouncing around Karkat.The dragon notices Casi and bounded over to her, cirlcing the girl and Cunneris happily. The girl grinned as the dragon bounded outside, and tired to Cunneris,”Try not to think heroic or just, I don’t want you to get hurt again.”
Casi smiled softly,”I’ll join you, I think Silver is getting restless. Talking about the dragon, he was wreaking havoc in the living room, playfully tripping people and trolls. She leaned forward and pecked his cheek, then stood up. Helping Cunneris up.
Casi gently reached over and turned her matesprite’s head, in a position that’ll help him breath easier. The girl rubbed a thumb over his hand, with an worried look.
Casi growled as Jane slapped him and huffed, moving up and grabbed his hand. The girl gently wiped away blood from his face, with a soft look.
Casi shot up and blood splattered her front, the girl ran out the room and ironically she almost ran into Jane in the living room. “Jane! You have to help Cunneris, he just started to cough up blood.” The girl was panicking clearly, and she.grabbed Jane’s wrist, dragging her to her room.
Casi jumped at the sudden movement, and hugged him closer. “Shh..” She rubed his back and tucked his head under her chin. The girl hugged him close, trying to comfort him.
Casi just held him, hugging him gently. The girl kept on humming softly, and traced his features with a light finger.
Casi smiled softly and leaned into his hand, her eyes where closed as she relaxed. The girl shifted slightly and muzzled his head softly nd fell still.