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Casi blinked,”No, what gave you that though?” She crouched, ignoreing her pain, grasping his hand once more. “Never will I, unless you stalk me in the shower.” Her voice had slight mirth.
Casi blinked,I’m not sure how to respond to that,” her voice was soft,”Is that a good or bad thing?” The girl adjusted her shades in a worried fashion. “Though he took the hit before I got thrown off Silver?”
Casi blinked and went back, leaving Silver.”How can it be heroic?” She stood beside Eridan with an confused look.
Casi backed away from he injured Cunneris and to the corner. She stood silently, ready to interfere once more. Silver joined her once more and wrapped his tail around her ankles as he sat.
Casi gestured for Eridan to come back and she.removed her hand. The girl straightened, hissing slightly as she shifted her wounds. She patted his head and took his hand.
Casi moved up to, she moved fast,”Guys! Who is not needed, out! Your freaking him out even more!” Silver snapped at trolls or people who where not needed in he room. Casi joined Eridan’s side and flicked Cunneris’ chipped tooth, the pain making him let go. Casi pulled Eridan’s arm away and found a blanket in her modus, wrapping his arm quickly to quell the bleeding. The girl placed a hand over his eyes and lowered her head to his,”Hey, chill, your okay.” She hoped the blocked eyesight would calm him down.
Casi stayed in the corner, not wanting to crowd Cunneris. Silver rested his head on Casi’s shoulder and rumbled. The said girl watching the exchange worriedly.
Casi nodded and left, finding Jade quickly. “Jade? Could you give a look at Cunneris, his leg made a cracking sound.” She turned away and hoped Jade followed her back to the room. She entered and stood in the corner, Silver sitting at her feet.
Casi shrunk back when he bared his teeth at her,”..I’m going to go get Jade, you leg doesn’t seem to good.” She said quietly and left the room. Silver followed her quickly, padding behind her.
Casi relaxed,”Oh fuck, that was close.” She sighed,”That means that you might have to go soon.” The girl said sadly. She crept away from Silver and the dragon followed her as she moved to Cunneris.
Casi froze,”Oh, wait shit. I I didn’t say anything ..” She forgot that Armane didn’t know about her, and she didn’t know of it’ll mess up the timelines. “Uh..” Casi flicked Silver again,”Friend Silver.” She muttered and hid slightly behind the dragon.
Silver bounced up as Armane appeared, and pounced on the troll. Casi was knocked down,”Silver, down!” She snapped and ran up pulling off the dragon. Silver grumbled and snapped at Armane,”Silver, don’t you snap at him.” She pulled the dragon over to the corner,”No snapping at my younger version of my moirail.”
Casi shook her head again,”And you mean, I would hope as we are friends.” She sat up,leaning on Silver,”Now are you okay? You looked kinda trashed when I came.”
Casi shook her head,”I was more stunned then hurt, just a few bruises and cuts. Nothing to big.” Okay..Maybe she did fall 15 feet from the sky, but it wasn’t to bad.
Casi nodded,”Ah.” She ignored the stinging in her back, her burn and injuries where healing fast, and just as Dirk said, only a day to heal it all. The girl sighed,”Best to let him sleep.”