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Casi nodded,”Good choice of words.” She glanced at Eridan,”Is he okay?” She couldn’t see his face so to her it looked like he was just laying there. Silver nudged Casi again and pulled the girl closer to himself.
Casi looked up and relaxed,”Sorry..” She mumbled and loosened her arm. Returning his smile with one of her own. Silver rested his head by here’s and nudged her, making clicking sounds with his gears.
Casi let out a breath,”I apologize, I am okay, I’m not use to being close to anything really.” She shifted closer to the dragon,”I’m sorry, I just feel uncomfortable most of the times when I’m at close proximity to someone.” The girl kept her graze down, and tensed, waiting for his reaction.
Casi shrugged, not sure what to say. The girl ducked her head, lowering her eyes. She was obviously uncomfortable with the close contact, as it was understandable on being alone for most of her life.
Casi shifted, slightly nervous at the close proximity, and Silver huffed a warning. “If you wish to talk about it, I am free to listen.” Her voice was soft and she curled her arm tighter around herself.
Silver crept over and tucked himself by Casi, who was currently face down on the floor. The girl shifted and rested her back on the dragon, facing the others. Silver rumbled happily and curled his tail around the small girl. Casi grinned up at the metal dragon and patted his side, wrapping an arm around her abdomen.
Silver buffer again,”Uh..-” Casi tired to say something but Silver let her go, pushing her to the troll and Cherub. Silver stood and curled up in the corner. “..I think you hurt his feelings.”
Silver hissed at them and pulled Casi closer to himself,”Uh..I don’t think Silver don’t want to let go.” Her.voice was slightly muffled, Silver huffed and seem to say,’my human.’ The dragon spread his wing wider, hiding Casi from veiw.
Casi sat back on Silver watching the interaction, staying silent. The girl was knocked over as Silver’s tail knocked her down. The dragon shifted and seemed to copy Eridan and used his legs to pull the girl close. The dragon spread his wing over the girl as she grunted.
Casi shrugged lightly and settled back,leaning on the dragon. Who was wrapped around her again. “Never.can be to sure.” The girl said lightly and leaned to Eridan,”Awesome tip for a moirail, cuddling is awesome.” It was soft enough for Eridan to hear it, but not Cunneris. She leaned back and gave him a grin.
Casi left to her.room and started to fix her bed, as it was messy from sleeping on it. The girl finished and snagged a few of her favorite books. She.returned to Cunneris’s room and dumped the book by her as she sat down again. Silver.was following her and the dragon wrapped around her once more. “Okay, I brought books so we don’t get bored.”8
Casi flushed.again,”I’m sorry that I got embarrassed.’ She.said.softly and Silver loosened his tail. The girl decided the Cunneris and Eridan should be alone for the moment. “I’m going to go now..See you two later.” Casi stood and left the.room, traveling to hers.
Casi had no response for that so she just looked down at her lap, her face speckled with light pink. Silver nudged her, his tail brushing her back, not a bit to lightly. Casi flintched and flicked the.dragon’s head,”Don’t touch my back that rough.” Her voice was quiet with a slight strain.
Casi turned even more pink and looked down at Silver. The girl tightened her arm,”I’m sure it would classify as a opinion not fact.” Her voice was soft and her British speach pattern grew more pronounced as she for flustered.
Casi blinked and blushed lightly,”I never noticed I did this..” She looked down and shrugged,”Maybe, and thank you, that was kind of you to say.” The girl smiled softly, and ran a hand through her hand.