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Casi silently took his other hand and Silver settled behind the girl. “Kinda sucks.” She said simply useing her free hand to wipe blood from his face.
Casi blinked her mind blankeing out for a moment,”Oh!..Oh ya, I guess?” The girl shrugged and walked over to the broken horned troll,she slipped past him, using Silver as a chrunch and sat down by Cunneris. “Yo, I guess we both got beet up by bots.”
Casi sat up and shook the dirt off of her,”I’ll just take it easy, you don’t have to waste energy on me.” She pulled down her shirt and stood up, Silver coming to her aid so she can lean on him. The girl did lean on the dragon and brushed more dirt off oh her self.
Casi flintched but didn’t move as Jane came closer. The girl pushed her self to the other side giving her back to Jane. Her burn was red again and she shoulders where raw and some parts where bleeding. Mostly it was just bruised and bloody, nothing to big.
Casi spat out dirt,”Shoulders,” she closed her eyes and the fire flared up in her back and to her shoulders. She groaned quietly out of reflex and tried to sniffle it, making a strange whine like sound. The girl shifted slightly, losing dirt, making more fall on her face.
Casi looked up,”Just my back, that’s what I landed on.” She didn’t move per instructions and the pain was dimming down. “I don’t feel too bad,” she hissed that out and coughed as dirt got into her mouth.
Casi looked down, she was still on Silver, who was diving to the ground, barrel rolling, trying to dislodge her. “Fuck, my house and Cunneris!” Silver took the advantage of her slight distraction to fling her off. The girl yelped as she was flung side ways and couldn’t land properly and hit the ground, skidding. Silver landed, and crept up to the downed girl, who was currently groaning in a pile of dirt that she raised.
Silver too off with Casi, clinging to her back. “Shit!” Once they where a good high, Silver dropped the girl, not enough to kill her, but enough to hurt her is she didn’t land right. The girl righted her self in the air, and when she hit the ground she rolled and somersaulted, to get rid of her momentum. Silver landed and pounced on her, spreading his wings again, taking her back up. The process repeated until Casi got annoyed and just clung onto the bot’s back as he tried to get her off.
Casi sword was currently a few feet away as she and Silver wrestled on the ground, rolling around. Casi was sporting a few scratches but nothing too big. Silver mostly was playing with the girl, literally playing, he would take her sword and give it to girl and knock it it of her hand and fetch it. Though they still rolled across the ground starting to fight seriously.
Casi gave him back the doll. Silver seemed to grow excited and bolted out to the back yard. The girl’s back didn’t hurt to much, but she’ll take it easy. She followed her bot outside and took her sword. Which was sitting by the door,”Okay, Silver, offensive mode, Point set as Casi and take it easy.” Silver’s eyes didn’t change color and pounced on the girl.
“Ah, okay I get it now.” Casi took the doll and tossed up up, she managed to do it two times before almost dropping him. “That was fun.” She said simply and Silver wrapped around her legs, hissing at the doll again.
Casi nodded,”Sure..?” She didn’t understand how to keep it moving, did she have to move really fast to do it? Or use.dream bubbles?”Explain again how to do it, as I’m not understanding to well.” She slid off her chair.
Silver hissed at the puppet, climbing to the back of Casi’s chair and flared his wings, hissing again. The said girl blinked and pulled the dragon off,”Stop that, damn it.” She hugged, though he doll thing creeped her out. Silver jumped onto the floor and sat at her chair, seemingly glareing at Lil Cal.
Casi blinked,”..Sure?” She said hesitately. Silver jumped on the table then onto Casi lap, wrapping his tail around her arm and hissed at Dirk. The girl frowned at the dragon and flicked his head. “You hush.” She.said to the dragon and it seemed to huff.
Casi nudged Dirk slightly,”Don’t sleep while you eat, you’ll choke.” She said simply and finished off the scone. Then sighed,”Also when someone is done, I don’t care who, but someone take food to Jane please.” She called out and sipped her milk.