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Casi munched on her scone happily, it was sweet and has a hint of butter. The girl sipped her milk as she ate, they’re was plenty of scones for everyone and milk to go with it.
Casi was breathing slightly ragged due to the pain, but she seemed to be calming down. She turned around to face Cunneris,”Does the burn cream and stuff hurt you? You should of told me, I could ask Dirk or someone to do it. So you didn’t have to hurt.your self, you silly cherub.” She papped his head and stood up,”We should go eat now, as I’m hungry.” The girl stood and when to the kitchen and stood on Silver to get the.plates this time, and cups. Casi pulled milk out of the fridge and pored a cup for herself and snagged a scone. She retreated to the tale to munch on her food.
Casi found the supplies quickly enough and returned to the living room. She.sat down gingerly and slide the medical healer to Cunneris. “If you don’t mind,” she said softly and fumbled with the bandage that was digging into her back.
Casi frowned slightly,”I’m sure she’s thinking of Carolus from this timeline and not you, who is Cunneris.” She huffed,”See if you can go pull your father out of his funk, I’ll grab Tue medical supplies.” Casi walked out from the kitchen and to the attic. She had a slight struggle with the stairs but nothing to big for her to handle.
Casi turned to Termed,”Dude. Chill, it’s going to be okay. Don’t let your anger get tjw best of you.” She patted Termes’ check with slight difficulty,”Hush.” She turned to Jane”Jane, what you said was slightly wrong. As in this time like I was around him and I’m perfectly alive, so is Armane, Kriman and so on. Though I would ask you to keep your comments to your self because they’really clearly not needed and just pissing people off.” Casi said, her voice icy and when back to the kitchen. She found Cunneris and patted his wings,”Hey, it’ll be okay. No one.is going to hurt you at the moment.”
Casi nodded,”Can you go get it, I’m going to short those three our. I don’t anyone fighting anyone.” She said and walked over to the tree, placing her hands on her hips. “Okay, you thee chill, you all honestly look like a bunch of children fighting over a toy.” The girl’s voice was stern,”So chill and tell me the problem.”
Casi turned to Cunneris,”I just..Stretched a bit to from.” Her voice.sounded like she was out of breath. “G-Give me a few moments, but I’m okay.”She placed her hands on the counter and waited for the burning to fade. Which it did in a few minutes, back to it’s regular sting.
Casi grinned and opened the cabinet for the played, it was rather high and once she reached the girl almost dropped them.She placed them on the counted and put a hand on her abdomen, wheezing in pain as she stretched a bit to far.Silver noticed her pain and nudged her side gently, rumbling. Casi closed her eyes and straightened slowly, her breath turning back to normal. Hoping that no one noticed but it was futile as a few trolls with a cherub was with her.
Casi blushed slight while Silver seemed to look proud,”Thanks, he was a pain in he ass to program though.” She grinned down at the robot,”But he’s awesome.” The oven singed and Casi put on Mitsubishi then opened the oven, pulling out both of the tray and set them on the counter. The scones had a sweet, buttery smell and looked fluffy.
Casi blinked as Cunneris came back,”Could you not find it?” As she talked Silver came walking in and wound him self at Casi’s legs. He seemed to glare at the other two trolls as if saying,’my human, fuck off.’ The girl absently patted the dragon’s head and tilted her he’s at Cunneris.
“There’s a restroom near my room, the third door to the right of it.” Casi said and nodded to the older trolls. She leaned back on HR counter, keying out a pained breath. During the night some how her bandages shifted and where digging painfully in her back. The girl did her best to fix them then left it alone, decidig breakfast was more important.
“Scones,”Casi nodded at Cunneris in a way to say he was doing it right and started up the oven. She then took out a large pan and set it on the counter, taking the made balls when the young Cherub to finished and placed them on the pan. The girl popped it in the oven and grabbed another pan, putting the rest on he scones on it, then slid it into the oven. Casi set the timer and leaned on the counter, a arm wrapped around her abdomen gingerly. “Thanks for helping Cunneris!”
Casi took the help and lead him to the lurched, taking out flour, milk,eggs,butter, sat with a large bowel. “Okay then,I’m going to make some propped English styled scones, if you don’t mind if you can help me. As you need to knee the batter and it will be painful for me to do it.” The girl easily willed up the batted,”If you want knee and and put it into about busker size that’ll help me a lot.”
Casi tilted her head,”Is something wrong?” Her voice was soft,”Also, just to ask while I can, if you don’t wish to talk about it. Do you want to help me make breakfast?”3
Casi shifted and slowly blinked open her eyes, the fixed her shades. The house was silent as they where the firsts to awaken. “Good morning.” She said, her voice heavy with sleep.