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Casi shifted slightly, curling closer to her sorcery if earth. The girl hissed slightly as she jostled her back, but didn’t wake up. Her breathing was starting to quicken, a sign that she’llwake up soon.
Casi still slept by him, her features soft. One of her hands was buries in the mass of feathers and her shades where hanging on the edge of her nose. Silver still sat by the door, in defense mode.
Casi tucked her chin neatly in her chest and fell asleep too. Her breath was even if a bit shallow and ragged. The girl still was in pain, but as she said, the burn was healing.
Casi glanced at the wing, growing sleepy,”Sure.” She said in a tired voice and settled into the pillows more comfortablely. The girl felt exhaustion creeping back up on her, and didn’t really care that she might sleep with Cunneris tonight.
Casi glanced at Cunneris and gave him a small smile. Silver jumped off the he’d and settled on the door, slipping into defensive mode, and gaurded his human and his hyman’s friend. Casi patted Cunneris’ head as he settled down.
Casi smiled softly and fixed a few crooked feathers before dropping her hand. “Black suits you,” she said simply in an kind tone before leaning her head back, looking up at the ceiling. Which was pained as clouds on a stormy night, her eyes where visable in that position. Though the light didn’t bother her too much as it was dim in her room. Day quickly turning into twilight.
Casi hummed in agreement and abesntly placed a hand on her stomach,”In a good way I suppose, then I do agree with you.” She gave him a small smile and reached out and touched one of his wings gently. “These are awesome, I must say thar.” The girl gently ran a hand down the feathers, marveling the feeling of their softness.
Casi buffer,”She’s gone and she has made it clear that she dislikes you.” The girl walked to her bed and sat down on it gently. Silver followed her, jumping up by her and curling up like a cat. The girl tucked her self in the pillows, breathing shallow to not disturb her wounds, then patted the empty space by her, inviting Cunneris to join her. “But don’t let that get you down,” she laughed slightly,”Maybe you might become black with.” She teased slightly with a grin.
“Silver, stand down.” The dragon retreated, returning to Casi’s side. “Okay, you two not allowed in the same room by your selves.” She said sternly and patted the dragon’s head.”No attacking each other in my house,okay?”
Casi came back to her room only to see Jane with the fork and Cunneris. “Silver, defense mode!” She snapped and Silver jumped in front of Cunneris, hissing at Jane. Casi when to Cunneris and patted his wings,”Cunneris?”
Casi’s green light problem wasn’t only about death, it when mug deeper then that. And she had the scars on her arms to prove it,”I think I’m fine at the moment..I’m Google to reboot Silver now..” The girl back out of her room hurriedly and fled out side, to her robot’s side. She opened the control panel and poked at it fir a little while. The dragon’s eyes flicked on as blue and nudged Casi, rumbling. The girl grinned and stood up slowly, useig the robot as a crunch as she made her way back inside.
Casi poked her head in her room,”Jane?” The girl stepped in warily,”I apologize for my actions earlier, it was uncalled for and rather rube.” Her voice was soft.
Casi stood up,leaning on the wall,”I should go find Jane and apologize, my actions where uncalled for. And plus, I need to reborn Silver so he doesn’t die for good. Then we can chill in my room, much more comfortable then here.” The girl held out a hand to help Cunneris up, then struggled slightly down the stairs of the attic.
Casi shook her head and slowly sat up,”Thar was all of it, thank you Cunneris.” She pushed her shirt down, which was slightly damp in places with blood. The girl inspected the cause wrapping around her torso, and poked at it then winched. “Okay, don’t touch that.” She breathed out and looked up at Cunneris giving him a small smile.
Casi whined softly in pain but didn’t say.anything else to respond to his words. The girl’s skin seemed hot though smooth, even if the burns. The cream was a God sent to her as it felt like ice was.quenching the fire after a few minutes. Casi slowly relaxed at his touch, her eyes closed with smooth, even breath. She hissed though when by accident his claw brushed her wound, it didn’t open it, but was painful to the small girl.