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Casi grunted and shoved off Silver, and heaved her self up. “Still on once part, good enough for now.” She flicked blood off of her face and wheezed slightly. “But that hurt, that hurt a lot.”
Casi noticed Cunneris and grabbed Silver, throwing the smaller, but.much more sturdier at Cunbot. The force made Cunbit let go and break his arms as Silver flared his wings, shooting right back at Casi. Though the not underestimated her as she at silver and spun him in the air making them both smash into the fence. With a loud crack, Silver’s eyes dimmbed back to blue then flickered off. Poor Casi was under the not, had tarn full forcse of her own throw.
Casi invaded snaps from the.dragon and fliped back wards, holding the.dragon’s mouth shut. The girl.yelped and.flung her self away as fire.pored out of the.dragon’s mouth, it completely missed where the others where standing and dissipated. The dragon launched after the girl again and clipped her with a wing, drawing blood from her. Casi growled slightly and graves the robot’s head, flipping it back wards with an impressive show of strength. Blood trickled from her shoulder as she attack again.
Casi ducked under sharp wings had swung her sword at he Ingram, moving it away. Silver turned sharply and pined the girl down, snapping at her head. Casi grunted and moved her head to the.side and pushed the dragon off of her. The.windows in he living room lit up as Silver breathed fire at Casi, a faint,”Shit!” Was heard and a rather loud yelp. The girl barely dodged the fire, and now had a small burn on her right arm. Casi crouched as did Silver and the turned in a circle waiting for the enemy to attack. Casi did first, dropping her sword and swinging onto the.dragon’s back. Silver roared and rolled.on the ground, wrestling he smaller girl.
Casi shrugged,”I am, but out side, this thing can burn the fucking house down if it wanted too. And be nicer to Cunneris, he’s not made of fucking power like you guys.” She waved her hand and left, going to the back yard, the not following. Once they where there she turned to Silver,”Silver attack, one point only, point set as Casi.” The girl tossed her hoodie to the side and took out her sword, ready to start. The dragon’s eyes turned red and he flared his wings, jumping at Casi. The girl rolled under it, but was caught by Silver’s tail. She rolled harshly, slamming into the fence. Casi sprung back up after a few moments and attacked again.
Silver rumbled and nudged Nepeta, his eyes flashing red back to blue, seeing she wasn’t a threat. Casi grinned down at the.not,”I agree,” she has a small oil smear on her cheek and casted a worried glance at Cunneris.
“Almost done!” Casi yelled back and checked the wording on the smallish robot, then she polished it. With that, she turned it on, watching her creation. The dragon’s robot eyes turned on as a deep blue and it swung it’s head to Casi and nixed her, making a rumbleing sound. The girl grinned,”You shall be Silver,mhm.” Casi wiped the oil off of her and graves her hoodie,”Silver, follow.” The dragon padded after Casi as she.entered the living room.
Casi was gone for a very long time, she ditched her hoodie and was currently welding metal together. The girl was doing a pretty good job, though oil smeared her arms and face. Casi was building a pretty heafty robot, as she was going to use it to train and protect her house while she was gone. The raven head cursed as she burned her self lightly, but kept welding, the welding mask snug on her face. She finished welding and stood back, proud of her robot. It’s head met her shoulder, with four sturdy legs and a rather long tail with wings. To add effect she added curving horns that slightly resembled Armane’s horns on the side of the face. So a compleated dragon stood in front of her, as it was her favorite animal. Mind you it wasn’t to large, about as big as a small pony, a very small pony.
Casi shrugged,”I guess, might as well go try.” She walkedthe to the garage, finding a random box of parts. The girl plopped down and twirled with the wires, connecting them to a circuit board, it coming to her easily. When she finished she messed with metal, starting to make it’s body. It helped that her studies had robotics included.
Casi ducked as Cunneris flew over her, as she was seated at the couch. The girl shrugged,”I guess so, but every aspect is important, at least to me.” The girl looked at the fighting males,”To bad I can’t make robots, it seems like a fun training session they’re having.” She said in a slightly down voice, then shrugged if a bit sadly.
Casi doped her head t the troll,”Casi English, I’m going to be the blood aspect of my game. A pleasure to meet you.” The girl casted a worried look at Cunneris then turned.back to the cat like troll.
Casi blinked,”If you wish so, you may. I don’t mind either way.” She.shrugged and shifted on the couch, tucking her feet under herself. The.girl shoved her hands in her hoodie and blew free the.bangs in her eyes.
Casi said nothing about the killing friends part for a while,”I do not know how to respond to that. Forgive me.” She.looked back, and smiled soflty, sitting down by Termes. The.girl ran a hand through her hair and fixed her shades.
Casi store up and with gentle hands, the girl steered him to the couch and sat him down. She stood in front of him, her eyes barely seen though her shades and the girl met the troll’s eyes. “Listen to me Termed, it neither makes you good or bad what you did. You acted on what you though would get you to survive.”She ruffled hos hair and took his hands gently, useing a random blanket from her modus to quell the bleeding. “And there.is nothing wrong with that, do you understand?”
Casi blinked,”I’m thinking you followed him because you loved him. Like a son I mean, I may be wrong, but that is what I assume. ” She made no move to get up again, binding her hands in her lap.