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Casi waved at the doll, if a little shyly and started to relax. The girl scooted away from the body, to give Jane some room. She crouched a little ways away, and let herself started to think about the message. Cunneris red for her? He might have to check up on that as Casi was sure that no one would really love her that way. Really, and she hasn’t started the game yet, what’s to love about her?
Casi closed her eyes and kept hold on hos hand for a while, then gently moved it so it was placed on his chest. The girl hoped that this worked, and not at the same time. Either he lives and is trapped or dies and joins his friends. The last one sounded more promising to Casi, but then again she wasn’t Termes.
Casi thought quickly,”Blink twice for yes, once for no.” The girl squeezed his hand once more. She was tense under Dirk’s hold, her hoodie slipping down from her small frame.
Casi flinched at the touch and relaxed, giving Termed a sad smile,”Yeah, an ass with a heart made of his skill.” She patted hos chest lightly,”It would be a.great shame if it stooped, so try to keep it going,will ya?” The girl held his hand again, closing her eyes behind her shades.
Casi nodded,”I heard his words,” she walked over to Termed and knelt on hos free side. She didn’t understand the Cal part but she grasped Termed free hand and squeezed softly before letting it go. “I’m sorry that you had to go through all of that, I truely am.” Her voice was soft as she talked to the doomed version of her friend.
Casi blinked,”Hm,Cal, that’s cute.” She said simply and scooted over to Dave to read the message.
Casi narrowed her eyes,”I have.no idea, but he left a message.” The girl padded over to the small man, pocketing her gun after she clicked on the saftey. She held her hand out to the small man, in a peacefully gesture.
Casi blincked and lowered her gun,”Termed?” This wasn’t beer Termed, as he still had red blood. “Who the hell was just here?” The girl crept to the downed troll, her gun raising again to point at the small man.
Casi picked up Gamzee’s tea zccup,”I’m going to put this in the kitchen.” She padded.out the room and passed the living room. The girl double takes,”WHO THE HELL DIED IN MY HOUSE JUST NOW?!” Her yell echoed through the house and she.ran into the living room to the little man. Casi crouched warily and slipped out her.gun, clicking off the saftey.
Casi nodded,”Understandable Karkat, though it should not be me who you apologize too.” She gesture old to Cunneris, in a not so subal motion.
Casi flinched at the yelling and shrunk back into the wall, the girl felt sorry for Eridan, but killing people because he loved her? What the ell though? The girl shrugged, then again they where trolls, and she though she might just stick to a pale lover instead of branching out of find a red,black or ashen lovers. Casi watched Eridan again, finding his horns quiet cool, and his cape was a nice touch.
Casi backed away into an empty corner, watching everything with wary eyes. The girl shoved her hands into her hoodie pocket, fingering the gun that rested in the folds of the fabric. She decided she would be no help to John, seeing he looked like he was handling it. Then Casi turned her reflective stare to the other sea dweller, watching him silently.
Casi frowned,”I think I might have orange..?” She looked through her modus again and in her very last card rested and orange Fathoms, it Pope’s into her hand, then stored the purple Faugo. Casi walked back up to Gamzee and set the orange Faugo in his free hand. “There you go.” She said with a small smile.
Casi scootes away,”If I may ask, that piss water you refer to is Dayton, perhaps?” The girl padded over to Federico while searching through her modus, luckily there was a purple bottle in the very back. She popped it in her hand and showed Feferi,”I don’t no why everyone gives it so much hate, they’re rather good.”
Casi doped her head,”He does, Jane’s been trying to fix it but it seems to be getting worse.” The girl gave a little wave.at the other sea troll and crossed her arms again. “Hopefully he can pull through it.”