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Casi gave Gamzee a small smile and tensed slightly at the new arrivals. She leaned.her hip on the bed, across from Tavros and crossed her arms. She kept an eye on Cunneris as she watched the trolls and humans around the room Only a little while ago she had about no friends, now her house was being over run by trolls. Eh, better then being over run by bugs, to say so at least.
Casi nodded and left the room, bypassing the pissed off Karkat. She smoothly entered the kitchen and started on his tea, useing the same fruity-mango one as last time. She leaned on the counter and waited for the water to boil, once it did she pored the water into the cup. Casi threw out the tea bag and walked back to Gamzee’s room and handed.him the tea.”There you go.”
Casi nodded and when back to Gamzee,”Jane says that she doesn’t know what else to help you with, but if worst comes to worse, if you die, she will try to revive you if you do die.” The girl patted his hand,”Tea helped Sollux to an extent, so would you like to try that? It might be able to make your throat less sore when you cough?” She said that quietly, to not inform Cunneris and maybe send him into sorrow. A sad cherub is not a good cherub,and it didn’t help that he was just a child. Casi awaited Gamzee’s response and adjusted her shade slightly, covering her eyes even more by the reflecting glass.
Casi shook her head,”Gamzee breathed in something very bad for his lungs and what we’ve been doing to help him isn’t working.” The.girl patted Gamzee’s hand,”I’ll go get Jane again.” She.padded out of the room in her quest to find Jane, which she quickly succeeded. “Jane?” Casi walked right.up to her,”Gamzee seems to be having issues once more.”
Casi blinked up at the larger troll,”I think Cunneris is just frightened by the new arrivals.” She turned around as she.heard a thump on the floor, only to see Cunneris on the floor and Gamzee’s coughs started once more. “Oh shit.” The girl said simply and ran over to Gamzee’s bed, helping him move to an position that’ll help him breath easier. Casi then crouched by Cunneeis,”I’ll be right back, I going to go grab.some water for Gamzee.” The girl then left the room, slipping between bodies to the kitchen and grabbed a cup, filling it up with water. She then when back to the rroom, by then Gamzee’s fit was over and the girl handed him the cup after helping.him sit up.
Casi watched the trolls warily, deciding that ‘Tavbeo’ was a friend. She left Gamzee and padded over to him, sticking her hand out,”Casi English, a pleasure to meet you.” Her.voice was smooth and low, leaving the bed’s occuping troll and cherub to sort each other out.
Casi blinked at the new arrivals, tensing,”I guess if you can, if you stay with Gamzee and shirt.” She said quietly as she shuffled her weight, foot to foot, ready to reach for her gun and protect the two on the bed.
Casi booped his head,”And he’s just a big crab,” she grinned softly then it faded.”I think it may be time to leave, seeing Karkat might somehow succeeded on his endeavour to smite you.” The girl released his hand and stood up.
The girl softly rubbed a thumb over Cunneris’ hand and watched the door, waiting for the troll to calm down. “..Maybe this wasn’t which an good idea after all..”She said softly and crouched beside the hound cherub.”I’m sorry this happened, I did not inplace this’ll get out of hand so quickly. “
Casi silently help Cunneris’s hand and leveled her shaded stare at Karkat,”Did you think about that they might not be alive? You might of all fucking died, so something called revenge? Cunneris’ care takers would of found you guys out and unleashed hell. Or maybe something else could come up, even greater then him?” She pauses for a breath,”Would you sacrifice the.current living for the small passably to see you dead alive again?” The small girl said, her voice low and dangerous.
Casi flicked Gamzee’s hands,”Don’t fucking try to kill him!” She hissed out and gravbed the troll’s hands prying them apart, pulling Cunneris away.”You’ll fucking mess up the timeline, and who knows what’ll that do!” The girl gently pulled the child cherub even further away from the high blooded troll.
Casi nodded silently to Gamzee’s words, gaining a fallen air around her.”Indeed, Gamzee.” The girl stayed over by Gamzee, as she onto know Karkat kinda well. Also Kanaya, but she felt like the pale troll didn’t like her.
Casi sighed,”I’m guessing his true nature as a cherub back lashed on him when he tried to be.good. And that he couldn’t control his urges to do bad at one point of time and snapped. ” The girl said softly, watching the trolls warily, for some reason she felt a strong feeling to protect him. And the girl guessed it was that he was a child and that the trolls/humans can still hurt him, if they wished.
Casi moved away from Curnneris, to the corner by Gamzee. She wanted to check up on him, he was found amusing to her. The girl looked him over silently, deciding that he was good at the moment.
Casi gave him an encouraging smile and climbed out the attic, then helped him down too. The girl offered her hand and led the.way to Gamzee’s room. She open the door and slipped in with Cunneris,”Okay everyone, Cunneris. Cunneris, everyone.”