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Miwa, just add some scar in the form of a collar on her neck and her eyes a more scarlet/blood red. -
(Takra won’t be joining us anymore on the rp so Miwa is now 13, just pretend everything that happened with her happened except that must thing, because Takra was never there XD)
The girl fluttered down in front of the school, jet black feathers whispering gently as wind brushed against the feathers. Miwa closer her great wings and untied the jacket (more like a trench coat) and slipped it on, it slipping smoothly over her wings.
It looks like she missed the start of class, oops. She saw one class enter the woods so maybe there was another one going on inside. So Miwa darted inside the castle and was thankful to hear a voice lecturing about alchemy. She jogged over to the room and entered, careful to keep quiet to not disturb the class and took a sat at the nearest desk, sending Haru a sheepish and sorry look.
Haru noticed Miwa entering and just grinned at her cheerfully before starting. The man puled chalk from his pocket and waved his hand, starting to draw a simple alchemy circle on the chalk board as he spoke.
Fist thing first~! Comprehension~! Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within, the first step to making this happen! Next is deconstruction by using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into a new form is the second thing of this! Last is reconstruction ,the continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape. Any one can form the energy to make alchemy happen! It just matters if you can unlock the skill or not~!”
Haru wasn’t as giggly or seemed so air headed as he was in teacher mode.
“The proper application of this craft requires not only a full understanding of chemistry and ancient alchemical theory, but also a sort of natural talent towards recognizing and manipulating the physical objects with energy, which require uncommon levels of intelligence and aptitude. Those remarkable individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy are known as alchemists.”
Haru tapped his chalk to the chalk board. “But not everyone is smart enough to understand Alchemy, but I have faith in my little group. There are many paths by which alchemists can transmute the various substances of the world, with some alchemists being said to transmute by way of the Four Classical Elements.Water, Earth, Fire and Air and some by way of the Three Essential Principles salt, sulfur and mercury, but the basic tenet at the very foundation of all alchemy is that of Equivalent Exchange.”
The teacher giggled,”Now, any questions?”
(Takra won’t be joining us anymore on the rp so Miwa is now 13, just pretend everything that happened with her happened except that must thing, because Takra was never there XD)
The girl fluttered down in front of the school, jet black feathers whispering gently as wind brushed against the feathers. Miwa closer her great wings and untied the jacket (more like a trench coat) and slipped it on, it slipping smoothly over her wings.
It looks like she missed the start of class, oops. She saw one class enter the woods so maybe there was another one going on inside. So Miwa darted inside the castle and was thankful to hear a voice lecturing about alchemy. She jogged over to the room and entered, careful to keep quiet to not disturb the class and took a sat at the nearest desk, sending Haru a sheepish and sorry look.
Haru noticed Miwa entering and just grinned at her cheerfully before starting. The man puled chalk from his pocket and waved his hand, starting to draw a simple alchemy circle on the chalk board as he spoke.
Fist thing first~! Comprehension~! Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within, the first step to making this happen! Next is deconstruction by using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into a new form is the second thing of this! Last is reconstruction ,the continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape. Any one can form the energy to make alchemy happen! It just matters if you can unlock the skill or not~!”
Haru wasn’t as giggly or seemed so air headed as he was in teacher mode.
“The proper application of this craft requires not only a full understanding of chemistry and ancient alchemical theory, but also a sort of natural talent towards recognizing and manipulating the physical objects with energy, which require uncommon levels of intelligence and aptitude. Those remarkable individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy are known as alchemists.”
Haru tapped his chalk to the chalk board. “But not everyone is smart enough to understand Alchemy, but I have faith in my little group. There are many paths by which alchemists can transmute the various substances of the world, with some alchemists being said to transmute by way of the Four Classical Elements.Water, Earth, Fire and Air and some by way of the Three Essential Principles salt, sulfur and mercury, but the basic tenet at the very foundation of all alchemy is that of Equivalent Exchange.”
The teacher giggled,”Now, any questions?”
The girl blinked,”I-It’ all right t-that we d-don’t go, I-I wouldn’t mind…”
The girl somehow covered the grass around her in ice and blinked up at her brother. “We could go to class? Or maybe w-we c-can ask M-Ms.Aena about w-what s-she’s doing,I think she s-said something a-about in a l-lesson?”
Haru giggled,”What ever you say Ren~!” He wasn’t very fazed by the insult and just kept on giggling.
She gave her brother an alarmed look then shrugged, going back to the grass.
Haru clapped his hands,”That’s perfect, all who want to learn alchemy come over to me! The rest for to Aena~!”
He bounced off Q and giggled before he clapped his hands,”We can start with the choice of two choices, to learn the essence of Alchemy or basic survival skills~!” (The Alchemy is based off FullMetal Alchemist) Haru giggled again and waited for the answers.
She looked up at her brother then nodded. The girl sat down under the tree and picked at the grass before holding it up to her face and marveled. “I this alive? I can see a faint,green light coming from it. It’s very small, but I can s-see it!” She barely stuttered this time.
HE bounced up from the door and back to , the hopped onto his shoulder and perched there with a proud look before giggling.
The girl took her brother’s hand and shrunk into his side as Godal came closer, she was sad to say that she was still frightened by the man. She shook her head no at Godal’s question,”N-No s-sir..?”
Miwa loyalil followed her brother, she had no idea where they where going, but she trusted her brother. The girl joined up with her brother under the tree and looked up at him.
“O-Oh…Okay..” Miwa mumbled, she seemed disappointed but she’ll get over it.
Haru didn’t care much about the snow balls, though it did annoy him. The giggling man stopped giggling and ducked his head so the snow balls sailed over his head. Then stood with a small frown, he watched Eleron disappear and sniffed slightly before going over to the door as well. Then sat down right in front of it, starting to giggle again.
He had stopped giggling a while ago and just spun on the chair as he listened. Haru looked quiet bored as he did so, and pulled a rubber cube out of his pocket. It was a mini one, so it could actually fit in his pocket and started to play with the small cube as Q talked.
As well, Byne might of seen Haru when he was a wee lad, Haru is quite old, though he may or may not of been friends with Godal then. And was much different in personality back then,MUCH different.
He also used to be a sea serpent or some shit, that’s another story for later.
But damn, he did like sushi.
He gave a thumbs up back and stopped spinning, looking over at Q. Then giggled some more.
She squeaked a little bit and nudged her brother and said softly,”W-What are y-you w-waiting for? I-I don’t t-think they c-care if w-we walk out.”