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Casi blinked and crawled over to him, hearing foot steps down below, the girl picked up her book and dropped it,”Fuck, I keep dropping my fucking book.” She glanced at Carolus and told his with her eyes to stay quiet. The girl picked up the book and a pen from her modus and wrote:’People down, maybe listening to us. Stay quiet, try to find your aspect, just look into your self or some shit. Do it fast and be very VERY quiet. It might help if you accept doom as your aspect maybe. I will be back, do not FUCKING move!’ She stored the pen and the book away, and slipped out the attic, tripping on purpose, slamming the door closed and almost falling on everyone. Casi looked at the gathered trolls and humans,”..The hell?”
Casi looked up, and walked to her window, pushing past the blinds to show it was poring. “Just thunder,” thank fuck it was raining at the moment. The girl adjusted her shades,”I would go with it, you should be there when it happens though, I’ll go wipe up some tea in the mean time.” She walked out her room and to the kitchen, rummaging through her pantry, wondering what tea Gamzee would like. Casi settled for a fruity mango one and boiled it right up and walked to Gamzee’s room. Casi slipped in, flashing a small smile at Gamzee and handed him the tea,”For you, my kind sir~!” She sang slightly and slipped right out, scrambling back in the cabinet. “Carolus!” She hissed,”Stop moving, you almost got caught!”
Casi thought for a moment,”Did you get Jane? She will know what to do, better ask her then me.” The girl brushed bangs from her eyes,”If you want, I can go make him tea? It could soothe his throat?” Her tone was soft and quiet.
Casi nodded,”Let’s go to my room then, people can hear us from up here,” the girl climbed down and lead Karkat to her room and sat on her bed. The girl patted the spot by her,”No one should hear us from here, and does Gamzee need it? If he does, I would rather him live and suffer for a little bit. Then suffer and die.”
Casi blinked down below,”I just dropped my book, nothings wrong up here.” The girl didn’t budge from her spot, firmly saying that she wanted to be left alone by body language,”Is there anything else you need?”
Casi grabbed a random cloth and threw it over Carolus,”Don’t move,” She hissed quietly, and walked over to the couch. “Yes?” She called down as she moved the couch, then she popped open the door and poked her head out.
Casi thought for a moment,”I do know doom, but how does that transport you here?” She had a thinking face on,”A doomed Doom aspect did transport here once,from a different time line..” The girl retreated her hand,”…Doom is not a bad aspect though, any aspect is good. Don’t be ashamed of it, okay?”
Casi face palmed,”Most of that just blew over you head didn’t it?” She sat down,”Fuck man, everyone is at times, nothing to be ashamed of. I was when a dude broke into my house and tried to fuck my friend’s shit up.” The girl sighed,”As I said, I may be able to help you get back home and shit, so being weepy like this won’t help.” She hesitated for a moment and placed a gently hands on his wings,”In all honesty, I wish to help, even if it didn’t seem like it before.”
Casi sighed and walked over, crouching in front of him,”No one is stupid, only repulsive, everyone makes mistakes once in a while.” She sat back,”What is your aspects? I may be able to help you, as I had my fair share of seeing some in action.” Her voice was soft, she mustn’t be so harsh, as this was only a child, even if it was Carolus.
Casi shut the attic behind her and moved over a heavy thing so no one can get in, then sighed while she turned to Carolus. “Look,” she said pointedly,”Get your aspect thing under control, the sooner you leave, is better for you and it’s better for me.” The girl snapped on the safety on her gun, slipping it in her hoodie pocket. “I’m sorry for the harshness, but it is indeed true, other here would kill to see your blood spilled.” She leaned on the object, with was a large couch and glanced at Carolus behind her pointed shades.
Casi squinted, he kinda looked like Carolus-OH fuck no. This was a young Carolus. “Fuck,” She said simply and lowered the gun,”I would advise you work on leaving as there are things that would want to kill you here.” Her voice was soft, so she didn’t already the others. “Come on, follow me, because if you die, the time lines would be screwed.” The girl opened the door seeing no trolls or humans, and dashed back to Carolus, dragging him.”Don’t make a sound.” Casi hissed and staged him to the attic and opened it, shoving him up and followed.
Casi frowned,”Then can you fucking leave then? If you got here, you can get out.”
Casi blinked,”Are you here to harm anyone in the house? And do you know any troll/ or human in my home?” Her voice was steely, but the girl backed off, giving the green thing some space.
Casi frowned and crept over, the gun trained on the figure. “As I said, who the fuck are you,” she.said and lifted her.leg, kicking the bed with all of her strength, making it skid to the right. It freed the living being and she trained the gun down, aiming for tthe head.
Casi frowned, Caroulus had wings like that, maybe it could be his sister? She jogged out of her room and cracked open Sollux’s room, pointing the.gun at who ever was there.”Who the fuck are you?” Casi’s voice was deadly quiet.