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Casi looked up,”The hell?” She assembled a hand gun and reloaded it, stalking to her door. The girl clicked off the safety and opened her door, crouching and looking the detection the wings when. Casi raised her gun and narrowed her eyes.
Casi looked up from her book and decided to work on her guns. She spit them out of her modus and took out their ammunition. The girl then pried them apart, grabbing a cloth on the table and started to swab at the inside.
Casi shuffled out of the living room to her own private room, slipping in once she was there, she took a random book off the shelf. It was one of her favourite book,”Tin Star,” the relationship between two characters reminded her of Armane and her’s relationship. The girl slid in her hiding spot and flipped open the book and started to read.
Casi nodded and left the room, padding back to the living room, muttering a quiet,”Thank you.” As she passes Jane and settled in the corner of the room. Only of she thought of getting Jane for Sollux, then he wouldn’t of died. Damn it.
Casi gave a small smile at the happy trolls and relaxed her posture. “So I take that Gamzee is going to be alright?”
Casi tensed but didn’t make a move to walk over to the bed. Her hands clentched in her pocket of her hoodie and open her eyes, watching.
Casi closed her eyes behind her shades and shoves her hands in her hoodie pocket. The girl stayed silent during the process.
Casi turned her gaze to Gamzee,”It’s not my choice, but if you want my word. I rather you live then die, I’m sorry if is that what do do not wish.” She moved from her spot between the trolls and human to the corner of the room
Casi wheeled into action and seperated the two pissed of trolls and the human.”Jane knows what she’s doing! But none.of his is helping Gamzee, I don’t want another dead body in my house.” Her voice was surprisingly harsh and she turned to Jane,”Though try not to fucking choke him, will you?”
Casi wasn’t sure if she should go or not, the girl shuffled to the door and lingered near it. She decided to wait to make sure Gamzee would be okay before she left. Casi trusted Jane to keep him alive, she didn’t think the house can survive another death.
Casi shook her head,”It’s gone, he is no longer a clown.” She hurried back to Gamzee and hoped Jane followed her.
Casi blinked,”I think it’s up to Karkat now, I’m going to go get Jane.’ The girl left the room and found Jane in the living room. She bent down and whispered,”Gamzee is not fairing well, he’s showing the same symptoms as Sollux.”
Casi stepped inside silently, padding to Gamzee’d head,”Do you guys know what’s wrong with him?” She inspected his cuts,”I though Jane healed him to a stable condition.” The girl didn’t touch the bleeding troll though,”Do you want me to go get Jane?”
Casi walked into the living room and tucked her self in the corner silently, her eyes down cast. She then took the desion to check on Gamzee and walked out quietly, holding no one noticed. The girl knocked on Gamzee’s door,”Are you alright in there?”
Casi stood up and retrieved her hoodie, slipping it on. The girl slipped out of the room, silently and padded out of the room and to the kitchen.