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Casi smiled softly and pecked his forehead, leaned back. “Stay safe, Armane.” Her voice soft, and gave him a quick hug. Then she reached for her shades and slipped them on.
“To save his friends.” Casi said simply and looked at him right in the eyes. “So they can survive, do you understand?” Her voice was soft and she ran a hand through his hair.
Casi hugged him tighter,”No. Never was this your fault. Do not put your self down, you said that to me your self.” Her voice was stern and she leaned down, putting her forehead on his, looking right into his eyes. “Not your fault, okay?”
Casi looked down, her eyes where killing her, but she didn’t care at the.moment. “I understand, I felt Tue same way when Jake died.” The girl said softly and hugged him closer. Casi pulled him into her lap to the best of her ability.
Casi kissed the top of his heads and hugged him warmly. The girl untangled her hand from his hair and cupped his cheek, useing her thumb to brush his tears away. She rested her forehead in hos hair, sighing quietly.
“I slept well enough, thank you.” Casi said quietly and hugged him closer, making small shooshing sounds. “It’s okay,” The girl said repeatedly in a hushed tone. She tucked his head under her chin with some difficulty, tangling her free hand his his hair. The girl rubbed circles in his hair and hymns softly, doing her best to comfort him.
Casi blinked open her eyes just as Feferi walked out with Sollux. She breathed out a small,”Oh.” And shifted, doing her best go gather him in her arms. The girl rubbed circles on his back and sat up, pulling him up with her. Casi cradled the larger troll, hugging him around the middle.
Casi shifted and muzzled into Armane’s cheek, her face still adored in a soft smile. The girl stayed asleep, her dreams peaceful and calm.. She then wrapped a arm around his shoulders, pushing herself closer to her moirail subconsciously.
Casi breath a small sigh and shifted, smuggling deeper into Armane. The girl’s shades somehow got tossed off and rested a little ways away. She tucked her self even more in the larger troll, taking in his warmth.
Casi fell asleep on Armane after a while, she still was tired as Feferi woke her up from her uneasy sleep, which just worsened her condition. But with Armane she slept peacefully, snuggling into him, her breath having soft huffs at each exhale. The girl was stretched out, half on Armane, half tucked next to him. Her head was tucked snugly under his chin and her arm that was on his shoulder tucked around his neck, giving her an appearance she was hugging him. Casi’s body seemed very warm, and her hoodie easily was somehow tossed off, and covering Armane’s legs now. Scars littered her arms from and gun incident that almost costed her life.
Casi made a small purr like sound and snuggled into his side, tucking her head under his chin. Then she when limp, her eyes sliding close, completely at ease then her usual tensed up self. By gosh, Armane did wonders to the poor girl. The said girl nuzzled into his chin, barely even adding weight to Armane’s chest as she was so light. She then reached over her hand and drew small circles on his shoulder, before relaxing, her hand splaying over his shoulder, eyes closed, breath soft.
Casi when boneless the moment he touched her back, and her head lolled on his shoulder, her eyes half lidded. The girl cuddled into him even more, her breath soft and even, trying to soak up the warmth of her moirail. She nuzzled her head even more into his shoulder, a soft smile adoring her face.
Casi decided to follow Feferi’s actions and shifted, curling at Armane’s side, resting her head on his shoulder. The girl nuzzled her head into his neck with a quiet sigh, careful of her shades.
Casi laughed softly, her hand tracing small circles on his cheek,”I have no protests on that.” She said softly,”They know we’re pale lovers, so might as well prove it.” The girl grinned softly, and didn’t look up, to busy with Armane’s hair. Which she was softly tugging it, and wrapping it around her fingers gently before letting it go. She then consecrated, ignoring the eyes of the other trolls and gently traced Armane’s ear, tickling him softly behind his ear, on the sensitive skin. his skin was warm and welcomed under her touch, she was stabbed by sudden grief again, but she pushed it away. Casi was still grieving over Jake’s death, but she put it off to the side, her moirail was more important at the moment. “You so adorable, I can’t describe how cute you are when you up and shy like this.” She said softly with a small smile, stroking his hair again.
Casi looked down, her face adored with a soft smile, her had carefully brushed down his cheek bone and back up into hair, the process repeating. “You know they’re watching us?” She said quietly, so that Armane could only hear her words, the other two only hearing her voice, but couldn’t make out her words. “It’s slightly creepy, your mother looks like Fenrie when she’s about to watch, My Little Pony.”