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Casi flicked his forehead lightly,”You forgot about me, I feel so unloved.” She said in a dramatical way then patted his cheek,”I forgive you though, no worries.” The girl grinned and started to pet his head once more, moving bangs from his eyes.
Casi smiled softly,”Well, that’s good.” She removed her hand from his face with a small hum, and resumed stroking his hair. The girl combed it back to a presentable state before messing it up once again.
Casi blushed,”It seems you got so flustered that you passed out.” She kept her hand tangled in his hair, stroking his head with warm fingers. “So here you are and stuff on the floor, your cute little head in my lap as I talk to Sollux and Feferi.” The girl said her voice full of warmth. Then brushed her thumb along his eye ridge,”You okay though? Like you feel fine now?” Casi’s voice had a hint of concern, but it was mostly composed of warmth.
Casi nodded to Feferi,”Mhm, I don’t want to screw up on being his moirail, it wouldn’t be fair to him if I did.” She noticed that Armane shoved and smiled lightly, her hand dancing through his hair, making it more messy. The girl fixed the blanket, so it covered his shoulders too,slipping her free arm under Armane’s head, cradling it.
Casi shrugged and looked down at Armane, he’s been passed out for quiet a while. She poked his cheek and brushed her fingers over his eye lids, trying to make him wake up. Then gave up after a moment, her hand still tangled in his hair, petting it softly. “I guess so, I’m still not 100% sure hoe everything works yet, but i’m getting there,”
Casi nodded,”Ya, really though you have to agree. Sopor sounds likes brand of soap,really it does.” She let her hand get tangled in Armane’s messy hair, absently twirling it around her fingers. “It wasn’t a large intake though, just enough to get them drunk, though Armane could only take a bottle before he was drunk off his ass.” The girl chuckled slightly.
Casi laughed slightly,”It was hilarious though, they had spiked Faygo. All the females didn’t get drunk, and I didn’t want to touch the spiked Faygo, I had no idea what it’ll do to me so..” She trailed off and looked down, brushing some hair away from her moirail’s eyes, with a small smile. The girl looked up again,”We just had a big sleep over in a big room in the castle, and slept together and stuff…I would take your matesprite’s advice and chill, it was everyone just relaxing and having a little bit of enjoyment.”
Casi blinked,”I think it was an accident, he was trying to hide…I think. The faygo throwing didn’t really help him.” She glanced at Sollux,”Faygo is rather good by the way, not counting this one go drunk on one. Then again so did most of the male trolls in the castle..” The girl mused to herself, then shrugged.
Casi blinked down at Armane and shrugged,”It’s kinda simple really..I think..?” She tangled her hand in his hair absently,”I’ll tell it from my point of view I guess..” The girl petted his head as she talked,”I met him in a dream bubble, I found him though because he throw Faygo at me, and freaked the fuck out of me. We came to my house, skipping a few parts we where attacked by a troll. I helped him fight the troll, then he asked me to be his moirail.” She paused for a breath,”And I accepted, so tally ho mates, here we are.” The girl gently comped Armane’s hair looking down with a gentle smile, then back up to Feferi.
The tea finished and Casi tossed out the tea bag, mixing in a little more honey in it, so it’ll soothe this throat and walked back to Sollux’s room. She walked in and promptly tripped over Armane, but with her epic English skills she kept the tea in the cup. But still face planted into the floor,”Okay, that fucking hurt. The girl stood up and set the tea on the table by Sollux and keeled at Armane’s side with a slightly panicky look and found his pulse. Casi sat back confused,”..What happened to him?” Then shifted, sitting on the floor cross-legged, dragging Armane’s head into her lap, her modus spitting out a pink blanket with small cats littering it, on Armane. The blanket settled comfortably on him as she checked his pulse again.
Casi nodded, and snagged his empty tea cup,”I”ll go make some more then.” She walked out the room and to the kitchen where she rummaged through the cupboard for the honey tea. Once finding it she took out a tea bag and placed it in the cup, poring water in the tea kettle. The girl leaned on the counter, crossing her arms. Waiting for the water to heat up. Once it whistled she pored the water into the cup and waited a few minuets for the herds to soak in the water.
Casi blinked,”Oops, Sorry Sollux, I did not mean to fasten the process of the poison..” She looked down slightly then looked to Armane,”So we just have to wait until it blows over and out of his respiratory system?” Her voice has a worried tone, she rather liked Sollux out of the trolls, he was nice and amusing to others. “Is there another way to fix it? Not saying Sollux can’t handle it,”She glanced at the downed troll,”But for a precaution?”
Casi blinked,”So you breathed in something bad for you then, your lucky I live in England, where there can be smog here, something bad for you lungs.” She stooped up from the medical kit,”I”ll be right back, I have a breather mask thingy that clears your lungs out, that should help. But it’s in the kitchen so, see you in a few.” Casi left the room and when to the kitchen once more, crouching at one of the father cabinets. The girl slid out a small air tank, required in her house, as she had very slight asthma and the smog could cause an attack. She took out the small mask with it and plugged everything in, heaving it up in her arms she walked back to Sollux’s room. Casi was back soon enough and set the small tank by his bed and gently placed the mask over his nose and mouth, before switching the tank on. “There, that should help.” She gave a firm nod and latched herself to Armane once more.
Casi squeezed Armane’s hand and let go moving over to Sollux, the first aid kit on the night side table, right by him.”Do you need more bandages? Or will I go get Jane? Because you won’t stop coughing up blood.” She said and flicked open the kit, grabbing a small towel and handed it to Fenrie,”Wipe the blood off of him please.” The girl then turned back to the kit,”Did you breath something bad, like smoke or something? Because I can’t see a reason why you keep coughing up blood. Or did you break a rib?”
Casi only had a slight idea what they where talking about, but she wasn’t really paying attention to much. She leaned on Armane, resting her head on his side, shifting his arm so it neatly draped around her other shoulder. The girl watched the exchange quietly, not wanting to intervene in it and end up saying stupid shit.