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  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 6:53 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi blinked open her eyes at the buzzing of her lap top, she groaned and reached for her shades, once she slipped them on, the girl grabbed her lap top and cracked it open.

    <darkAssassin has begun trolling doubleGuns>
    DA: OI!
    DA: Who are you?!”

    Casi read the text with a small frown,trying to remember who it belonged too..Ah Termes, but it seemed it was a younger version.

    “<darkAssassin has begun trolling doubleGuns>
    DA: OI!
    DA: Who are you?!
    DG: Casi English at your service

    She closed her lap and smoothed her hair into a presentable state and padded out her room, she appeared in the living room silently. Casi tilted her head,”I see you made breakfast.”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 6:26 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi grinned at him message and shut her lap top, slipping it on her bed side table, her shades soon followed. The girl slipped under the plain looking covers and curled up under them, holding a pillow to her chest. Soon her breath fell even and the darkened room echoed back soft breaths of sleep coming from the small girl.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 5:52 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi grinned, Armane now knew he had a moirial.

    <doubleGuns [DG] started pestering poweredShock [PS]>

    DG: Armane is this you?
    DG: It’s Casi :3
    PS: yeah
    PS: thiS iS armane but
    PS: how did you aQUire my trollian
    DG: You gave it to me x3
    DG: I somehow though, got a younger version of you then the older you.
    DG: You must be a cute little troll, your older self is very cute
    DG: As I am your moirial,heehee 😀
    PS: moirail
    PS: So you Claim to be my moirail from the future
    PS: have you proof to this Claim
    PS: multiple proofs
    DG: I only have one, well one that you told me
    DG: You said that you enjoyed laying in the sun
    DG: If that’s good enough proof..Though I think I can think of some more..?
    PS: my gog
    PS: you are
    PS: but I havnt met you yet
    PS: you must be pretty cool to be my moirail
    DG: Not really, just fabulous
    DG: But your really cute when your older, you attack all the ladies :33
    DG: I’m going to go sleep now, I’ll contact you later.
    DG: If that’s fine with you..

    Casi yawned slightly into her hand and waited his response before she shut her lap top.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 5:34 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi grinned, she only had one piece of evidence..Though maybe he’ll take that then many..

    “<doubleGuns [DG] started pestering poweredShock [PS]>

    DG: Armane is this you?
    DG: It’s Casi :3
    PS: yeah
    PS: thiS iS armane but
    PS: how did you aQUire my trollian
    DG: You gave it to me x3
    DG: I somehow though, got a younger version of you then the older you.
    DG: You must be a cute little troll, your older self is very cute
    DG: As I am your moirial,heehee 😀
    PS: moirail
    PS: So you Claim to be my moirail from the future
    PS: have you proof to this Claim
    PS: multiple proofs
    DG: I only have one, well one that you told me
    DG: You said that you enjoyed laying in the sun
    DG: If that’s good enough proof..Though I think I can think of some more..?

    Casi frowned slightly, she did hope that was good enough.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 5:23 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi drooped slightly, it seemed she got a younger Armane and sighed, this isn’t her Armane but it was still him..Ah, that was confusing to her, he was Armane but a younger self, they didn’t think similar.

    <doubleGuns [DG] started pestering poweredShock [PS]>

    DG: Armane is this you?
    DG: It’s Casi :3
    PS: yeah
    PS: thiS iS armane but
    PS: how did you aQUire my trollian”
    DG: You gave it to me x3
    DG: I somehow though, got a younger version of you then the older you.
    DG: You must be a cute little troll, your older self is very cute
    DG: As I am your moirial,heehee 😀

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 5:11 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded,”You don’t have to though, but I am going to go rest. Thank you.” She pulled her self up and snatched her shades, slipping them back on before walking to her room. The girl shut the door behind her and slipped onto her bed, it had a slightly sent of burn medication and a certain troll. Casi smiled slightly and opened her laptop, logging into her chumhandle, she searched up,”poweredShock ” and started a conversion.

    doubleGuns [DG] started chatting to poweredShock [PS]

    DG: Armane is this you?
    DG: It’s Casi :3

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 4:48 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi blinked and her shades fell off as she retreated from the hug, her fiery eyes blinked then squinted lightly, the light stinging them slightly. “..Thank you..I’m not sure how to respond in any other way..” She seemed a bit sheepish and let her rub her hand, it wasn’t like in a moirial sort of way, but more in a parental sort of way. The girl wasn’t sure what she was feeling, the emotions where new to her, but she was guessing this is what it felt like to be loved by a parent..Or at least this is what she hoped it felt like.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 4:23 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi got up to give him a quick hug, her grip was strong and warm, the girl let go after a few moments,”I hope so, because if I wasn’t I would be disappointed.” She sat back once more and gave him a soft smile,”And it’s okay, it’s nice to be fussed over for once.”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 3:15 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi grinned slightly,”I did say it was heart warming, hopefully that they will like me good enough.” She shrugged,”Be glad I do because I can sense you guys had fun making me.” The girl’s grin turned sly and she chuckled,”You are one of my fathers, so you gotta be damn fabulous to make something as fabulous as me.”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 3:00 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi let out a breath,”That’s slightly creepy, but heart warming at the same time.” She grinned slightly,”Though really, nothing will happen to us, I haven’t even started my game yet. You guys finished your game, so that put you out of harms way..Mostly.”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 2:52 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi sighed,”Why does everyone think I’m cool, I totally not, just fabulous. It wouldn’t really matter if you lost me, you barely know me. I’m not to important.” She shrugged and leaned back, pushing up her shades as they where falling down her nose.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 2:35 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi leaned forward and patted his knee,”No need to worry for any of us, we can take care of our selves.I can kick ass with guns, from what I heard about Jake so can he, have a little more hope in us will you?” The girl leaned back and settled her hands in her lap, her shades gleaming.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 2:20 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded,”I have, and what was that last thing though?” She shut off the water and set the dishes in the drying rack. The girl dried off her hands and joined him in the living room, sitting on the one person couch once more, sitting Japanese style.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 1:56 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi shrugged to her self,”Perhaps,” she spoke, her voice easily being carried over to Dirk. She started to wash the dishes that Armane used, that she never washed. Being the English women she was, the girl took her time, enjoying the simple task. “Though one never knows untill they go into action them self.”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 24, 2014 at 1:47 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi shrugged,”He told me not to tell, he said it was a secret.” She grinned slightly,”Though he might be just around the house spying on us, who knows?” That gained an amusing picture in her head, and resumed bumbling around the kitchen,doing chores.

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