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Okay, Takra ditched Miwa so she turned her attenchion to Jerrel. She dimmed a bit and frowned,”I’m n-not very sure…I-I don’t t-think he haa been in a-any f-fight. ” The small girl rocked on her feet and tugged the jacket, starting to feel a little warm. “B-But how -was the m-mission?”
Haru shrugged,”I’m not sure~! We’ll have to ask Mr.Greenbean~!” He giggled. (Mr.Greenbean=Godal)
The small girl happily grinned and landed lightly on her feet as Takra pulled her off. “What’s the conga?” -
He patted Goji’s head,”No worries, no freezing for you~!” He giggled.
Miwa perked at a familar voice, then stood and bolted out her room,”JERREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!” cue the force of a eleven year old ramming into Jerrel’s chest in a hug,”YOU’RE BAAAAAACK!”
He gave a giggle,”Frozen?! Dear no, but you can if you want to~!” Haru giggled some more and totted around the fountain.
Miwa, having not gotten a answer from Godal, left him and Takra, going inside to her room. Once there, she picked up the music box and brought it to the window.The girl sat in front of the window and wound up the music box before listening to the music. -
Miwa nodded an stepped back, she gained and idea and brightend. The girl lookd u at Godal hopefully, “Do y-you have a g-green house? “
Miwa stood quietly before she saw a flash of something in the trees. The girl was naturally curious, maybe a bit too curious and stepped forward, peering through the trees trying ti see what was beyond the bush.
Haru snapped out his daze and clapped his hands,”Well~! I guess we can chill for now, unless a few of you want to spar once again~?!” Haru giggled madly, grinning with an almost…insane look
Miwa jumped and looked up at Godle”U-Um y-yes, at h-home I was n-never let out of m-my room..So I-I’m curious…” She shuffled her feet.
Miwa got dry enough, though was a little damp as she totted after Takra. She looked up at Thomas and tilted her head before looking up at her brother. She blinked and wandered off after catching a glimse of sonthing in the forest.
Haru giggled at Goji and patted his head before gaining a dazed look as he hummed to himself.
Miwa decided to fly through a cloud and regreted the idea as she was soaked to thr bone by the water. The girl dived and made a clumsly landing near her brother, squeezing water out her clothes.
Miwa slipped of her jacket and tied it around her waist. The girl thought it would be a good time to practice flying. The tree was away from every one and she scrambled to the top branches. She got to the highest branch she could and leaped up with all her strength, spreading her wings and flapped frantically. Miwa was lucky to catch an updraft of wind and soared up, soon she was high above the castle.
Haru nodded at Goji and shrugged at Tom. He then gave Q a puzzled look,”The time?”
Miwa just returned to her brother, and then to the tree branches, where Haru took and interest in her.
He darted forward and gave the Goji the shot before pulling him away from Tom, gigling -
Miwa heard yelling from the school and wiggled froo of her brother’s grip to go investigate the noise. She came across Garth and blinked,”U-Um s-sir? Y-you just f-find and empty r-room..T-there’s plenty o-of empty o-ones.” This girl needed to go to speach therapy, Godal, set an apointment up for the poor girl please.
MemberFebruary 2, 2015 at 9:28 pm in reply to: Let's talk with the lovely, Jake English!Why of course I did, and I still, sadly, don’t remember you.
MemberFebruary 1, 2015 at 9:32 pm in reply to: Let's talk with the lovely, Jake English!Change my godtier? I would have what my godtier is now! It’s wonderful! And sadly, I do not remember you.