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  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 15, 2014 at 3:50 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded and darted in, spotting the sleeping queen, her hand was hanging down from her bed. The girl slipped the ring off her hand and darted out, giving a thumbs up. She darted back to the shield, the others following her, and slipped through once it was open. Casi held the wing warily,”We got it!”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 15, 2014 at 3:09 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded and darted through the hole, keeping her gun at a ready position, moving fast toward the queen’s tent. Which was easy to see, as it had gold streamers around it, she waited until someone gave her the signal to dart in and take the ring with baited breath.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 10:12 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded and stood up, and ruffled Armane’s hair, walking over to Teamahn.”Okay! Lets do this, and who is going to snatch the ring?” She pulled her hand gun out of her sweat pant’s pocket and clicked off the safety, she then took out the silencer from her modus, placing it on the end of her gun.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 7:52 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi tilted her head slightly,”So..We’re going to seal the queen’s ring? What if we get caught though?” She shuffled a bit and sneezed again, her voice full of question.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 7:39 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi’s shoulders slumped,”That does seem horrible..No offence Gemern.” She shifted so she was sitting criss-crossed and leaned slightly on Armane, but not enough to cause him pain. “..Can’t you mid control the Prospits’ Queen and tell them to surrender?”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 7:19 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi tilted her head slightly,”To fight with us?” She guessed, it was quiet logical, but nerveless, she could be wrong. The girl looked over to Gemern scrunching her eyes, trying to take in on what’s so special about the large horned troll.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 6:41 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded,”Just some small scratches, nothing big.” She sat down and helped Armane sit down by her,”You missed Wencho being a fabulous cool-kid troll though, it was awesome.” She laughed slightly and grabbed his hand. The girl tucked her feet under her self, anime style and pulled out her gun, then stored it back in her modus. Casi was glad Armane was okay, and him not being dead was even better.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 6:23 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi turned to Armane and her face lit up, she jogged over to him and hugged him gently, and helped him stand up,”Hey there! How are you doing?” The girl wiped more dust off of her self and grinned up at him, her shades glinting in the light.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 5:59 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi blushed slightly,”Oh, I’m nothing special, I’ll assure you.” She sneezed and grinned at the large horned troll. The girl turned to Wencho,”Don’t burn your self, I almost set you on fire when you where sleeping.” Her tone was light with amusement and she wandered away over to Fyrena,”Hey you okay there?”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi blinked at the hand above her and sat up grasping it,”Hi! I’m Casi, pleasure to meet you.” The girl let go of the hand and stood up, still mostly white and black like a chess bored. She brushed dust off her sunglasses and shoved her gun in her hoodie pocket,with a small click, the safety back on.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 5:31 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi grinned as they played around with the enemy,”I think we should wait until everyone else gets here, if he gets stuck in the middle of battle and he gets hurt, we might not be able to reach him. The girl poked the fire and almost set Wencho on fire, as a few sparks when a bit to close to him, Casi blanched and stopped messing with the fire. She resisted the urge to play with it and layed down, staring at the sky, bored.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 5:23 am in reply to: \"Come Right In, Dear!\"

    Jake glanced at Dirk and looked back down at his tea, he was still creeped out by lord English, but he was now currently away from him. The British man watched the green man-thing warily and sipped his tea.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 5:19 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi shrugged,”It seems like it,” she blinked and slapped her face lightly, waking her self up. The girl perked at the mention of everyone coming back, and absently rubbed the healing scratch on her cheek, it ran side ways, from her nose to her cheek bone. Casi ignored Antige at the moment, and rubbed her hand, which pricked from the bite marks. The girl stretched out her legs in front of her accidentally brushing against Wencho, she pulled back, hoping she didn’t wake him. She shook more dust from her self, annoying at the white powder, as it would not get off of her. The raven head scrubbed her face trying to get the dust off of her, annoyed.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 5:05 am in reply to: \"Come Right In, Dear!\"

    Jake fled to a one person couch, not before he snagged another tea cup, he set him empty one down where it was and sank into the cushions. The man sipped his tea, and let the warmth flood in him, even with the disturbance of Lord English, it was a nice Cuppa.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 14, 2014 at 4:55 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded and sat down by the fire,fingering her gun,”..Are we going to attack them soon?” The girl stifled another yawn,still drowsy. The girl absently poked the fire with her toe, careful though to not get burned. She almost nodded off again, but forced her self to stay awake, Casi wasn’t to much of a morning person. Even if it wasn’t morning, she always felt sluggish after sleeping.

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