Elizabeta AngelicReaper Héderváry
The Basics
Display Name | Elizabeta AngelicReaper Héderváry |
Username | wolfgirl |
My Information
Gender | Female |
Country | Hungary |
Location | Eger |
Interested In | New Friends, Roleplaying |
Biography | (( None of the pictures I post are mine unless stated they go to their respective owners. )) I have many scars over my body from the countless fights I have been in over the time ((I’ve had this account)). I do not trust others so easily. Two of my ex-boyfriend have also cheated on me so when I am in a relationship I may not trust my partner. There was a special Gilbert, I was childhood friends with. Later when I grew up I became his slave for a while, when I died he helped connect my spirit and soul back together so he is very special to me even though we have been through pain that was caused by both of us. I am an introverted country however I still try my hardest in all the things I do. But do not make me angry or there will be hell to pay. Magyar is a male relative of mine who I see as a father, he trained me when I was young in combat and he is also an enemy of the Byzantine Empire. I am now the mistress of death as I killed death so now I am in a way the grim reaper and a white lighter, I have a scythe that can appear I can vanish into the shadows and appear in a flurry of feathers. I can also decide who dies and who doesn’t. – AU (( Fudge she now sounds like she is overpowered, sorry if she does, her personality and this is shaped from the rps I have done so I add on to it from any rps that change her drastically.)) I am a white lighter or an angel (thanks to an angel Norway and remembering that I love Charmed) so I have an angel/white lighter form I can change into if my friends are in danger or whenever, I am also an angel of water so when water touches my legs then I can turn into a mermaid. – AU ( I try to make her like the series, so she will hit you with a frying pan if you annoy the fudge out of her so any warnings to Prussias and Frances or anyone really. ) I care for Feliciano very much since I looked after him since he was small ( so any North Italys be warned you will get glomped and hugged a lot- just saying. ) Since I have been cheated on before this followed with horrible recovery back to being friends with one of my old boyfriends. I feel that I have been a puppet one too many times for my liking so I cannot truly trust my boyfriend because of the one before. So I can become easily jealous if a girl is being overly friendly with my man I can also become possessive of him as I am scared to lose him as my heart and soul’s been broken so I believe that it will never heal. Eli knows Hungarian, German, Italian, British English and French. The rps I will do: I don’t know any Hungarian so I will use Google translate. When I gender-bend I am up for yaoi but when she’s normal then I WILL NOT DO YURI. she is STRAIGHT. I am happy with chatting these ways: If it is smut then I prefer to do it over chat or pm as I do not want smut over my wall or photos as many people may not want to read it. (( I will accept characters from other animes. As well as 2Ps, Nyotalia, OCs )) (( With me I’m not very big on having a plot to my rp I just usually go with the flow, also I love random starters but please not too random or I might not be able to think up a response. ^^’ I answer back quickly, so even if its just a simple ” hello, how are you or thanks for the add or accepting me” I do not mind. )) |