Andi Wolf
Forum Replies Created
Vasanistis cocks an eyebrow tilting his head, “Is it now?” He asks as he looks over the side of the ship into the water below.
Jan rubs his hand whining softly.
Jan jerks his hand back with a small yelp.
Vasanistis silently approaches Gully and the edge of the ship looking over the railing.
Jan watches them silently before he lifts his hand, so it was just below the surface, to see what would happen.
Vasanistis looks to Gully and tilts his head, “Gully, what are you doing?”
Jan tilts his head as he looks at Gully but sinks back down into the water more.
Jan looks up to the surface and stops swimming seeing something large just above the surface.
Jan looks up and spots Gully, then he slowly starts to swim to the surface looking out for other merpeople.
Jan looks up hearing others talking a ways above him.
Jan watched the ship bob in the waves from the coral reef far below.
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
Andi Wolf.
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
Name: Aljan
Nickname: Jan
Age: 17
Height: 5’5″
Race: Mermaid/human
Weapons/powers: A small dagger, along with being able to control water.
Personality: Jan is very shy, and doesn’t like to being around others, because of the way he looks.
Bio: Jan’s mother was a human and father a merman. So of corse he is a half breed between the two. When he was born he had to be put into the sea so he could breath. For most of his young life, from when he was born to when he turned 10, he had to live with his father in the sea. He did get to see his mother quit often. He was eventually able to breath air and spent a year with his mother. That year for him was hell. He was picked on, called names, and beat. His mother, seeing this wasn’t a safe place for him, sent him back to live with his father. When he was 15 his father was captured by poachers. Jan never saw him again. So now he swims the sees looking for a place to call home.
Looks: https://www.skyrie.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/large-150×150.jpg
Vasanists nods and looks to the sky then to Gully, “We will stay here till it passes.”
Vasanistis sighs and begins to walk along the beach again.
Vasanistis raises an eyebrow, “There is no need to ask permission to board a ship that is your own home.”