Andi Wolf
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Lennix looks at him. “You were in trouble and needed help. I will take a look at your wounds later. Right now we need to get out of here.” He says as he pats the dragons side.
Dragon looks at him then it nods and runs at the creatures before jumping into the air and taking off.
Lennix nods a bit and pulls him up and onto the dragon again. Then he pats the dragons neck.
Dragon looks back at them with it’s eyes then it pulls away from the monster and it backs away from both monsters keeping them both in front of it.
Lennix keeps Zero in front of him this time so he wouldn’t get grabbed again.
Lennix looks at Zero. “Just trust me and we will make it out of here alive.”
Dragon hisses spreading it’s wings into a fighting stance but it backs towards Zero and Lexxin a bit lowering it’s tail to them.
Lennix climbs up onto the dragon but he looks back at Zero. “Come on.”
Name: Lennix Wulfric
Nicknames: Nix, Len, or Wolf
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: 6’5m slightly tan. red hair with a few white streaks, green eyes, wears a choker, a has an ear piercing. Carries a sword. (In my images/on my wall)
Wearing: Skin tight shirt with sleeves cut off. Dark blue boot cut jeans. Black combat boots. Always has a hoodie on him somewhere. Also has a black beaning.
Power: Super speed
Backstory: Unknown (He had lost his memory in a battle)
Extra: Has a pet dragon