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Ace followed the girls “Does anybody know what time it is?” he said looking at his phone and realizing it was dead and then chuckles a little “What time do we have to be back to our rooms, is there a curfew?”
“Oh that sounds fun I hope we will have some classes together.” Ace says with a small smile on his face. when he realized he was bleeding from his finger and the paper trying to fly out of his hands he let go “Oops sorry” he said with a slight chuckle
Ace grabbed one of the class schedules and wrote Illusionary, Transfiguration,Ritual magic , Spellsinging,Circle magic and a Study Hall on it with a pen his father gave him, It wrote the most beautiful and perfect words and lines you could imagine. He then looked to Piper and the other two girls “So what are you guys taking?” he asked putting away his pen hoping no one would ask about it.
“Well I want to get stronger in all of my magic but I can’t choose what to major in just yet” Ace says making eye contact for the first time with Piper “And Piper you have beautiful dark eyes you don’t need colored contacts to make them pretty they are beautiful all on their own”
Ace looked at with excitement Piper “We get to meet our bonded here?” He continued to follow the teacher “So what are you looking to major in… umm I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.”
“Oh umm I’m Ace” he said and looked at the other girls “Okay lets go” he said hearing the teacher and waiting for the other girls to start to follow the teacher.
“Do you think I’m allowed?” Ace says as his stomach growls again “So what kind of magic can you do?” Ace says as he has his shadow go and get him another bagel and orange juice. “I never thought that would work it never has before. Awesome!” he says as he takes the bagel and orange juice from his shadow and it returns back to the floor and reattaches to his feet.
Ace takes her hand and stands up takes the napkins and dries himself off “Can I come with you to look at classes?” he said trying not to make eye contact but lets a small smile out when he gets a look at her face.
“P-please d-don’t h-hurt m-me” Ace said to piper not knowing what to do he just sat there and continued to shake.
Ace ran and got food and two glasses of orange juice and was looking for a seat when it happened “Ouf” (Ace fell onto his but) splash one glass of orange juice went all over him and the other all over Amanda “Oh my… I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going I was just looking for a place to sit” one half of the bagel landed on her shirt and the other in her hair and they both stuck there because of how much cream cheese he put on them “I’m really sorry” he hands her a napkin and starts having a nervous breakdown sitting there and shaking.
Ace wrote down his name and stuck it in and out popped a slip of paper that had the number 109 on it “I’ll check my room out later but right now I want to get some breakfast is that okay?” he said holding his stomach slightly as it growled again.
“M-my name is Ace Lee” he said and he devoured the power bar after saying thank you to Genie “Umm how much is breakfast? And is there something I have to do to get a room?
“Y-you know what I am and you dont hate me for it?” Ace said then seeing the monkey he smiled and stood still not making eye contact out of instinct and said “so what am I supposed to do now?” and then his stomach growled really loudly.
Ace searched his pockets for the acceptance letter then soon realizing that he only had the picture of the school and that the rest of the letter was back on his bed at home and he broke down sobbing and fell to his knees “I’m so sorry I left it at home I’m so stupid I’m sorry please don’t beat me” he says backing himself into a corner and shaking in fear.
Ace heard the announcement and walked to where he thought the main office would be and walked in “Am I in the right place?” he mumbled to Ms.Vine and not making eye contact with her “Please say yes I teleported here and its probably not even the right school. I’m so stupid. Sorry to bother you.”