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WRAITH flinches then quickly goes up to Kit and holds her and whispers ” calm down please or you’ll end up killing us all “
” My elder brother, Nick Grimm ” WRAITH said
” Well besides this stupid collar there’s someone like me and their kinda maybe slowly killing me ” WRAITH says mumbling the last tree words hoping Kit didn’t understand what he said. He then turns to Mars and asks ” can I come with please? “
WRAITH teleported to kit and repeatedly teleported up (it looked as if he was levitating in mid air) so he could talk to her and said ” can I come with you please? “
WRAITH tries to hide his tears ” Sorry I came back … I’m sorry I ruined your life ” WRAITH then teleports away and hides immediately
WRAITH teleports to Kit and says ” you’re leaving me? ” with a sad almost crying puppy dog face.
WRAITH backs off as if to show Takra he that understands and says with puppy dog eyes ” ok”
WRAITH walks up to Takra ” Hey how about we bury the hatchet and start over cause I think we got off on the wrong foot I was just trying to help Miwa feel welcomed and comfortable so … I’ll just leave her alone now, how about it … Friends? ” WRAITH puts his hand out as to shake Takra’s with a concerned/hopeful look on his face.
” I dont know i just woke up from a LONG coma of like 4 months it looks like so im trying to find her also “
” neva you cant get rid of me that easily ” WRAITH said with a smile on his face
WRAITH starts walking around the school then while not watching where he is going he bumps into a panther and says ” oops sorry, Kit why are you a panther? “
WRAITH looks at Charlotte and says ” yea I know ” tugging at the collar around his neck ” all I want for christmas is this thing off of my neck I mean I can’t time travel with it on ” he looks at Byrne and says ” no need to get angry I’m WRAITH how are you its great to meet you ” with a smile
” Ahhhhhh ok i’m WRAITH and you are…? ” WRAITH says with the friendliest of smiles
WRAITH wakes up and walks out of his room and while yawning says ” Wow how long was i asleep for ? ” teleports to Charlotte and says ” so what did i miss?”
WRAITH feels an evil presence teleports to Baylet whispers in her ear something to let her know she’s safe and to calm down grabs her and teleports them both to their room and tries to calm her down saying ” I need you to calm down I need you to stay in this school with me I can not lose any one else ” WRAITH starts crying ” I can’t lose anyone else I can’t I just can’t, don’t do this to me I have already lost to many people In my life don’t do this calm down please ” he grabs her shoulders looks dead in her eyes ” please “