Biography |
Name: Yaiba Ryukenden
Band: ShingenCrimsonz
Adopted Son: Kuga Terunori
Cousin: Leonezza
Cousin in law: Xerxes Inuyassha Taisho Testarossa Okumura Sakata
Nieces: Leona, Laine, Xilonen
Alliance: SugarFang Branch of the GrandSugarClan
Clan /name: SoleillibriumSugarFang / RyukitsuneSugarFang
About Me:
Yaiba in Myumon form takes the appearance of a fox with golden fur with black tips, black muzzle with golden nose, and red and black eyes. He has a cool attitude and is extremely loyal to his bandmates and friends.
After time: He settled into skyrieverse after he reunited with his cousin, nieces and nephews and after a time had passed he adopted a son. He resides in skyrieverse with his family as well as friends he bonded with along the way.