Biography |
Full name Saki Nikaido ElricOkumuraSakata
Alias: Number 2
Member and Leader of the SugarZombie Branch of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: ToughieSugarZombie
Honorable Title: Legendary Kamikaze Squad Leader
Race: Human/Zombie
Date of death: 30 August, 1997
Blood type: O / Height: 153cm (5’0″) / Weight: 45kg
Adoptive Parents: Yukio Ginpachi OkumuraSakata and Alfonsina Arturia Candy Pendragon HohenheimElric-OkumuraSakata
Adoptive Siblings: Damiana Astarotte, Sonar, and Ecko.
Basics: She was a former biker with the Dorami gang. She’s currently the self-appointed leader of the idol group Franchouchou. She died in a game of Chicken against a rival Biker Gang driving over a cliff.
Arrives to Skyrieverse with the idol group Franchouchou.
Saki is tough, rebellious, and very intimidating occasionally showing a soft side.
Saki is later rescued from the horrors of Lady of Sorrow Orphanage and adopted by Yukio and Alfonsina.
Hobbies: Tamagotchi and Gaming
Favorite Foods: Chicken
Dislikes: Sweets (this changes after her first visit to SugarSweet Bakery.)
Favorite Color: Orange
Alliances: GrandSugarClan